I don’t know if this is compatible with construct 3 or not. Please contact me through google hangout chat for support.
Hi, thank you again for the quick response, the systems works actually but still having an error, after POST info into my DB, the mail information doesn't reach and lose in the way, my array goes this way:
$nombre = $_POST['nombre'];
$telcasa = $_POST['telcasa'];
$email = $_POST['emailreg'];
$telcelular = $_POST['telcelular'];
$teloficina = $_POST['teloficina'];
$edad = $_POST['edad'];
$ocupacion = $_POST['ocupacion'];
$edocivil = $_POST['edocivil'];
$delegacion = $_POST['delegacion'];
$cp = $_POST['cp'];
$telcasa2 = $_POST['telcasa2'];
$list = $_POST['priv'];
// Inicia la consulta
$conn-> query("INSERT INTO `ft_form_2` (`col_1`, `col_2`, `col_3`, `col_4`, `col_5`, `col_6`, `col_7`, `col_8`, `col_9`, `col_10`, `col_11`, `col_12`) VALUES ('$nombre','$edad','$email','$ocupacion','$edocivil','$delegacion','$cp','$telcasa','$telcelular','$teloficina','$telcasa2','$list')");[/code:wjpycixz]
In Construct3 with AJAX POST method using this array:
"nombre="&URLEncode(nombre.Text)&"&edad="&URLEncode(edad.Text)&"&email="&URLEncode(emailreg.Text)&"&ocupacion="&URLEncode(ocupacion.Text)&"&edocivil="&URLEncode(edocivil.Text)&"&delegacion="&URLEncode(delegacion.Text)&"&cp="&URLEncode(cp.Text)&"&telcasa="&URLEncode(telcasa.Text)&"&telcelular="&URLEncode(telcelular.Text)&"&teloficina="&URLEncode(teloficina.Text) &"&telcasa2="&URLEncode(telcasa2.text)&"&list="&URLEncode(priv.Text)
IDK why all other stuff is inserted to my DB correctly, but this issue with the email drive me crazy
Thank you