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  • Thanks oosyrag for your advice. I'll look into both desktop and browser.

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  • Hi all,

    I would like to make a fun gamified micro-break tool for people who sit behind their computer/desk all day (like myself). Sitting behind a desk is bad for your health and might even cause injuries like RSI. If you don't know what micro-break software is, it's pause software that let's you set timers to remind yourself to take short breaks. Most often this software is very dry and boring. I want to spice it up with some cool illustrations, assignments in the breaks and some game mechanics.

    It would be the easiest to create a browser based tool, but when it's time for the break I need to somehow force the tool/app/tab active. Without this it would not be a functional tool.

    Does anybody know a way to achieve this with Construct 3!?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Thanks Pinellos! This helps.

  • Hi everybody,

    I'm relatively new to Construct and I'm wondering if there's a way to go beyond spritesheet animations. I really love the visual scripting side of Construct, but I miss basic tools for key-framed animations. Does anyone know how to achieve this? Are there third party plugins for example (spriter, spine, creature)? I can't find a solid answer online.

    Thanks a lot!

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Member since 23 Dec, 2017

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