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  • For the first issue,if you take small sprite and stretch it to a much larger state you will see some blurring around the edges. I've seen it in many quick mock ups when I don't feel like putting effort into the art - and that was on win7.

    For the second issue. Do you have a layer that's set to invisible perhaps? Something that would overlap (or have a parallax of 0,0) your pillars?

    1. But after all the sprite is blurred, not when I increase it, but when I reduce it

    2. On the first screen I showed an absolutely clean project. Just created and added one sprite. I did not play with parallax, I did not add layers. I changed several versions of C2. The most amazing thing is that in C3 exactly the same!

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  • Hello. Faced such a problem after upgrading the operating system from win7 to win10. The version of Construct 2 r250.

    In the editor, sprites around the edges are blurred, like so:

    And when you start the project, everything is fine:


    I here sketched a very simple project on a working computer. Here's how the project is displayed on my computer:

    And here's how the project is displayed after the launch:

    I do not know what to do

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Member since 23 Dec, 2017

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