rafaelfelippo's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello. Sorry for the delay to respond. It's been a long time since I joined the forum. I could not solve this problem. I just found a solution to create new games. I downloaded capx of build 2 versions that have the web storage plugin and worked.

  • On my cell phone, it's like that. Brand and model: Samsung J3

  • Hello to all the builders friends.

    I'm going through a problem that's making me feel discouraged.

    I'm developing android mobile games, but the save and load system does not work. I used the save and load example that comes as an example on the start page of the construct. On the computer it works perfectly, but when I export to android it does not work. The same goes for local storage. I've tested on 3 different cellphone models to be sure and it does not work.

    Has anyone gone through this? I really love the engine, but if there is no way to fix it I think of changing the tool.

  • Good night friends!

    This is my first game I developed for android. It's on google play.

    You control a dragon and have to destroy the enemies to gain points. The level of difficulty increases as points increase.

    Please comment and ask what you want.


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  • Hello! Good night everybody. I use contruct 3 in its latest version. I'm having a problem and I can not solve it. I want to save score in the game. On the computer where I work, it works perfectly. The score is saved even if you restart the layout. But when I export to android in debug mode and install it on my phone, it does not work. When restarting the game the record score returns to 0.

    Does anyone know why?

    Note: I'm new here, thank you for helping me

    Capx and Debug for android:


    dropbox.com/s/57sudi67un9k4 ... g.apk?dl=0

  • Good evening, I'm sorry, I'm a beginner here. Where do I find the memory usage information in my project? I can only see the size of it.

    OBS: Now I managed to export my game to android, I use construct 3. I reduced the size of the game to 90 mg and managed to export. Thank you for the informations.

  • Boa noite, sinto muito, sou iniciante aqui. Onde encontro as informações de uso de memória no meu projeto? Eu só posso ver o tamanho disso.

    OBS: Agora consegui exportar meu jogo para android, utilizo o constructo 3. Reduzi o tamanho do jogo para 90 mg e consegui exportar. Obrigado pelas informações.

  • Good evening. Ok thanks for the info, I'm new here, rsrsr. I was able to export my project. it was over 100 mg in size. I reduced to 90 mg and managed to export to android by construct 3.

  • I think it's true, because my project for mobile android is just over 100mb, and now I can not export. I get an error saying that my project has exceeded the allowed size. It seems that in google play, the apks can not exceed 100 mb, but there are other engines that pack their games or make packages to finish downloading the game after installed. OBS: sorry for the possible spelling mistakes, because I'm using google translator.

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  • I'm using google translator, so I'm sorry for the spelling that may be wrong. There is a problem going on when I try to export my project to android. when it is nearing the end of exporting an error appears:

    "Failed to build. Exceeded maximum project size"

    Can someone help me?

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Member since 17 Dec, 2017

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