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  • For now i dont use any php file to read the data.

    Only to send i used php


    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

    $postdata = $_POST['postdata'];


    $file = 'Products_List.txt';

    // Open the file to get existing content

    $current = file_get_contents($file);

    // Append a new person to the file

    $current = $postdata;

    // Write the contents back to the file

    file_put_contents($file, $current);


    URL -> ""

    Data -> "postdata=" & URLEncode(Array.AsJSON)

    Method -> "POST"

    the file update with the arrays sets.

    When i try to read the Products_List.txt i use

    AJAX request -> ""

    Nothing happen on complete , on progress or on error.

    Cant AJAX read a txt file direct?

    Note that i use NW.js for export.

  • I finally done how to save data locally creating a new file in the user folder using NWjs. After that i send the arrays data using ajax and post it to 000webhost through php file. Php file send the data to txt file. All working. Now im trying to retreive the data from the txt file but didnt get it. Nothing get on ajax complete nothing to on ajax progress and nothing on ajax error. Is something wrong with my host i think. Any ideas?

  • Thank you both guys!

  • For now im using NWjs for create a folder and save the array in a file localy. Its possible to send the file to a server so i can retreive it after?or i have to send it using ajax post to php?

  • An app exported with NW.js.

    I have 10 lists , every list has a lot of products inside and user can add more,

    anw, each list has its own array , when i save the progress all the arrays are save using local storage.

    Now what im trying to reach here is to can save the local storage file to a server so if someone delete the files to can get it back , but i can not find the local storage files anywhere at C/users/nameOfuser/appData/nameOfproject.

    If i can do this inside construct 2 sounds better.

  • I know how to use the local storage to save variables but how can i use it to save all the items in a list?

  • So i can lose my save only if i delete the exe?

  • When i export an application with NW.js and open it at win64.

    If i system-save the progress , it create a file somewhere ?

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  • Sorry i did not get it.

    Lets change to , how to compare the first 3 letters of 2 textboxes?

  • Lets say that i have a list with a lot of items and a search_box.

    Im writing a word in the search_box and i want to search all the items in the list to see if there is a maτch.

    Also its possible to search a part of a word instead of a perfect match?

    I have a word "construct" , its possible to search for "cons" and give me a match with "construct"?

  • You can compare the text.

  • When i build the apk and install it on my mobile the listbox even if is dropdown or list,

    it appear like dropdown list on mobile.

    You have to click on it and then it appears the selections to choose on mobile but on desktop its difference.

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Member since 6 Dec, 2017

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