savvito123's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thank you for your answers guys...

    I appreciate.

  • Hello,

    I was wondering for a game need 6 players at least so you can play multiplayer.

    What is the best way to upload it and the first users can match and play?

    A strong advertise or a bot system?

    Im sorry if im off-topic.

  • Hi, How we download this plugins?

    Are not working if i download.

    I have to clone ?

  • Hello all,

    Looking for somebody to build a plugin with the options to import a pdf , edit it and save it to a folder on a pc.


  • I really doubt you can integrate docx into the game and then export it again in docx format. The easiest workaround I think would be redirecting users to Google Docs or Google Form link with your form. Or maybe you can open this link inside the game in an iframe.

    You can also manually replicate all fields of this form on the layout with text boxes, and after user has filled them, send this information somewhere. (to your server, some database etc.) Here is a tutorial I made for sending data to Google Spreadsheet:

    Hello dop2000 ,thanks for the reply.

    My forms are in pdf format but i add docx at my question because reading threats in forum i understand that its impossible to insert pdf in project and edit it.

    I see your tutorial a long time ago when i was trying to make a leader board, but in this case i dont think it gone help me.

    Let me explain you what im trying to do.Its for my work only and im not intend to upload it or sell it somewhere

    At my work we have to fill a lot of informations in a lot of forms.

    The most of the informations are the same so instead of writing again and again, im trying to :

    I have 15 pages of pdf that i have to write my name and my address etc, so at first layout of construct to write my name address etc , my customer infos and at enter to fill all the pdfs using textboxs with my and my client infos.

    Until now and with your help of another question you answer before 2 days i can save and retrieve my informations using NWjs.

    I tried to import all the pdf as sprites and take a canvas snapshot or with window.print() to be able to print and save this pictures but the quality its horrible so i run to another solution but im stack.

    Im looking for a way to import pdf, edit it and save it.

    I found some plugins from Pode but i dont know how to use them or either there not working any more.

    Another plugin iv found

    but i have to write all the pdfs from the start option that its ok for me to spend time to write it but im stack to images, i cant find a way to import images (it has the option to add image) and i cant find a way to add fonts , and because the pdf must be in Greek language i cant find a way to Greeks.

    What is the best option to start?

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  • Hi,

    I have a form that i want to import it to a layout , edit it(fill it with some information's name address etc) and then save it back to the pc.

    The form has texts and images also.

    Any ideas of how to start with that?

  • What is suppost a transparent must be? 🤔

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  • Great, Thank you dop2000

  • An app for pc exported with wj.js.

    First step is to let user write and save a json file.(using ";" separator so i can after use tokenat)

    Second step is let user pick this file (or another one has create before)

    So , after i pick up the json file, how i can use it and set a textbox to first tokenat ?

  • Well, its not a game, its a proggrame for store product and its gone open with wj. Lets say in a layout i have 2 buttons the first button navigate to product layout and the second button navigate to the price of products layout. Its possible to open this 2 layouts same time side by side?

  • Is there any way to open a layout inf front of other layout?

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