savvito123's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    I want to buy this plugins for build a multiplayer game for fb instant games and for android with Facebook and admob ads, also features like invite, share etc.

    I'm totally amateur with multiplayer and I want to ask if it easy through tutorials to reach my goal.

    I try with construct 3 tutorials but I think it's not commented with order and missing animation etc.

    Also which of this collection is suitable for me?

  • I dont think you can cancel the wait action.

    Instead of that you can change the "put dash" variable to 0.

  • Trying to test an instant game through localhost.

    I have this event just for test if instant object working

    i have reach that so i guest must work

    I run one time to give access

    And when i run it through facebook i get a http instead of https

    So this not secure alert restrict the instant object for get it working?

    The game show up and start normal but the share never pop up.

    I have to turn on the "in development" inside the facebook for developer?Because it set off by default.

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • I thing its better to set your variables after you get the local storage.

    On item exist -> get item

    on item get -> set var to localstorage

  • Yes , you have to download it and open it as file.

    If there is no download button reply so i will check.

  • And an update for left and right direction

  • This is working

    and you have to set the collision polygon of the TestBubble like that

    but you have to create another sprite to work this

    because the TestBullets will destroy before reach the TestCritters

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  • So , if i understand you want the TestBullet not damage the TestCritters if the TestCritters are in the TestBubble?

  • You can use/create a boolean variable lets say "Grow" and check IF MOVING AND GROW is false show "Run".

    When the player collide with the bonus item turn the "Grow" to true to release your player from the current animation and play the Grow animation.

    After that on animation Grow finish turn the "Grow" to false again to continue play the run animation.

  • Hello,

    If you try to make a timer to compare the systems time its not a good idea.

    System time is running even if you are in "layout 3" and you do nothing.

    After that you try to make your own timer (everytick -> add 1 to variable) this add about 60(whatever is your fps) in 1 second.

    Try to add 1 every 1 second and not every tick.

    Also a good idea is to run your project with debug so can see the numbers.

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Member since 6 Dec, 2017

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