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  • jayderyu, Anytime! I can't wait for this to be released, I'll be checking up on the updates! Will most likely use it a lot!

    Terraria, the only problem with this is that these Vox graphics are not actually sprites, but I believe that in a way the could be. I could make sprites that look like this.

    You just gave me a great idea though. My own Vox plugin in Construct 2. I'm not sure how I'm going to do this, I've been getting ideas of what I already know how to do with it.

    Can you be a bit more specific though? Would you like sprites, or vox graphics?

  • Hmm. What do you mean? I do believe I can do any sort of sprite. Could you show me an example? :)

  • jayderyu, Well, I think that the obvious things would be creating and connecting to servers. Uploading all other player's actions in real time so that they can interact with each other. Also, server administrators that make a server outside of the game for big MMO type servers. '

    Also, it's cool that you understand. Yeah, life is busy. Haha :) I've been making a game, but juggling ideas with work. I can't stick with one idea, as soon as an idea gets somewhere, the idea goes downhill. I have 4 days to buy a program I need for this competition and the team and I can't even decide what in the world we're going to make. It started with a game like Jetpack Joyride, then it went to tower defense, now it's a board game.

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  • To everyone who was awaiting a sprite of some sort, I'm terribly sorry! I didn't have my laptop yesterday so I didn't get anything done, but I'll try to get it all done by tonight! :)

    jayderyu, Thank you for your reply to my question! That would be great, if you need any help with any of it, let me know. I may be of some use. I've been looking into mmo functionality and was actually thinking of making a "Multiplayer" object to Construct along with a server starting program and instructions on how to use it. All made using Visual Basic. I thought it'd be the simplest way to actually start a server and create a way to join it for mmo functionality.

    Edit: I actually just looked over the page you linked, and I like the idea. It seems like you could really get somewhere with that. I'll continue with my Node.js idea, which seems to also be an idea that many others have as well. I never really looked for anyone else that might find some use for a plugin like that. I only searched the website for already existing plugins. Well, I hope I can help anyone that needs it.

  • So all you need is a simple wing flapping animation? I could definitely do that for you, it wouldn't take but about five minutes. I've got to go somewhere tonight, but with as simple as that will be it should be done tonight. :)

    Also, if anyone can actually help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to integrate Node.js in construct, because I can't find out how to use the websocket object. I'm looking for a plugin for it right now, but I'm wondering what all I can do with it when it comes too MMO servers.

  • I'm hoping that if I port my game Fate Falcon to Windows 8 it will work out for the team. It said that you can do that. :) I wish the best of luck to everyone in the competition! This will be fun and right around the time that Fate Falcon is supposed to be released. So, if anyone wants to play it before the open beta is released for browser game play, you might want to check the Windows 8 store. during the competition. As a limited time event I will also give anyone who sends an email saying what kind of ship they would like in between June 14th and June 21st I will make that ship for them to use within the game. No other player will be able to buy or obtain that ship.

  • danielshunter, I can most definitely make you that, it will be done tomorrow.

    AnD4D, I really like the look of this game. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I could make art like that. Are you looking for ALL the art in it or something specific?

  • Returning to the helping field. :) I've learned a lot more on my time away and added a lot more items to my portfolio! If anyone needs help with anything, please reply! I'm working on a game right now called Fate Falcon Online. The original Fate Falcon can be found on the team's website: Thanks for the suggestions and help with my future plans everybody! It's much appreciated!

  • Sorry to take so long, friends :) I'm currently working on a game for the Newgrounds Construct competition and I need time on it.

  • I could remake that whole scene, man. You need some help with something like that?

  • Btw people, I can make more than art for your games! I can make sounds and music too!

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Member since 1 Apr, 2013

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