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  • jayderyu, Well, that would be great! :D

    This is my logo:

    Thank you very much! Also, I've been getting much better at this stuff so if you ever feel like it, whenever I upload my website you should check out my "Kiira Sprite Pack" which contains all the current sprites I've made for the website. It includes platformer, rpg, isometric.. You name it. Same for the other packages.

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  • RookieDev, that would be fine. You can pm people on this website? I only go on it for this topic, so I really don't know how to use it, but I'll figure it out. Yeah, it'd be fine to pm me.

  • RookieDev, it's no problem, man. These kinds of things are pretty simple for me, and I love to help. :) Yeah, I can make top/down art.

  • RookieDev, As in realistic, do you mean with realistic changing shadows depending on the position of the sun and moon? Or do you mean just making them look pretty? I'm actually thinking of something I could do for you that could help, but I don't know what you're asking for exactly. Is it sprites? Or an example on how to make a full scene for day/night transitioning?

    Prominence, I do have a Skype, but I'd rather use Google Hangout if at all possible so I can show you my screen as I'm helping you.

  • Prominence, Would you like some help with this?

  • Sulli, well, I will do that :). I would love to help anyone I can.

  • DrGreenThumbCAN, Thanks very much. :) I know I can do better though. I've actually made a whole album before, but it's hip hop beats.

    Also, that would make a very wicked enemy in a video game :)

    Sulli, I actually host my website using Exporting to html5 using Contstruct 2 obviously gives you the code so you can actually copy and paste to the website. I use a way to do it that is easier for me by using the app hosting website called Heroku. If you create an account and take the step by step instructions to uploading an app it gives you a domain that actually loads up faster than Weebly does. It looks weird when one part of my page loads up that has all cool features before that navigation buttons do, but it's still cool and easy to do. Heck, if you'd like, I could make you a video tutorial explaining how to do it, but I'm sure once I start showing you you'll catch on pretty fast. It's pretty simple. Simpler than programming in HTML5 in my opinion. :)

  • DrGreenThumbCAN, DONE!

    Sorry, not very good. I had violin in it and it was epic, but more sad if anything. I replaced it with a techno-ish sound and it doesn't seem as good as the original, but it fits the order.

    Oh, and I know how you feel. I'm actually making most of the updates to my website using C2. Thanks to the fact that it exports to HTML 5, I can actually copy and paste it directly into my other projects. Or I can host it as apps and embed it on my website so that I can have Facebook and my website lead to the same app.

    I think what'd make a great plugin for C2 is the ability to run apps inside of the game. Kind of like embed it to it. It'd definitely make things easier.

    To all those who want to go on my website, come back July. :) It will be completely different.

  • DrGreenThumbCAN, I am so sorry for not uploading the song. I feel so unprofessional for not taking the time out of my schedule to do this for you...

    Sulli, yes, that is not made by Kiira. Currently, the website is being worked on. When the changes are uploaded, that game will no longer be on the website. My friend told me I should put it on there so he could play it at school. I'm sure he wouldn't notice if I took it off. Also, I was wanting to experiment uploading flash content to the website anyways. I prefer not to use flash though, now that I program using HTML 5, which all of the uploads to the website are going to be wrote in.

    Though, I do appreciate the time you put into actually looking over my website.

    By the way, as the rightful release of the assets being used for commercial use, I cannot give to most. I must also inform to you that along with the update to the website I will be posting for noncommercial or commercial use. Though, all sprites can be used for commercial use, if you feel like using them. The textures and UDK assets were assembled from things I got off of the internet. I will no longer be posting other people's things on the website after the release of the new website. I figured at the time I created it it wouldn't be an issue. Clearly, it will be now that I'm becoming more popular.

  • DrGreenThumbCAN, Alright, I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. :) I've been working a lot lately. Not much free time on my hands, but I'll make that song for you today.

  • Microsoft has sure been busy! Even Game Maker is having a Windows 8 competition this month!

  • DravenX, you're right about the Vox sprites. Though, I don't see the point of rendering 3d then turning it to 2d. I'd rather just make a sprite, it's faster for me. To each his (or her) own, I guess.

    DrGreenThumbCAN, FL Studio, that's what I use. It's very good for any kind of music and extremely simple to use. There are tutorials all over Youtube for it, but I wouldn't know which ones to tell you are best. I kind of just learned how to use the program on my own, it's pretty self explanatory. Also, yes I can make you a sound track, would you like it to be a long 3 minute song with variation, or just something short? I will upload a track that I made for a very small game I actually just made today and will be uploading tomorrow:

    It's not exactly a good song because I made it in about a minute. Though, it is energetic and has some deep bass. Problem with the bass is that I made it so low that only bass amplified speakers can play it. As to a song I can make for you I could make the bass low, but high enough to be heard with normal speakers.

    jayderyu, that's completely understandable and also the reason why I was planning on making my own plugin. I hate having to postpone games and my beta release of my game Fate Falcon Online is basically complete, but I can't add in the online multiplayer which completely defeats the purpose of the game itself. I should have probably checked the multiplayer stuff before I scheduled the release date to be the 30th of this month. Though, I'm sure I can find some way to work around this until I get it all working.

    EDIT: I believe that I only said that it'd be released on the 30th on my website. I think that if I postpone the HTML5 version, but upload a Windows 8 version made on Game Maker to be beta tested it should work. So, I'm in no hurry. Also, this gives a chance for players to shoot me an email about designing them a custom ship for a longer period of time then I'd originally decided upon. (Mostly because nobody has even emailed me about it yet.) Anyways, I'm good and will most likely be satisfied by the results of this plugin.

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Member since 1 Apr, 2013

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