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  • Thanks for the trick.

    i was realize that i put the localstorage some string value.

    because i found that i use "" inside LocalStorage set item

    when On Item "key" Missing

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  • Before you end your layout put Event to save data to local storage

    something like this :

    System>End Of Layout : LocalStorage>Set Item>"key_name" to level

    But you need to decalre more event to load that localstorage in your SELECT LEVEL MENU,

    you should ask the localstorage exist or not on start of layout. after that you can set global variable to LocalStorate

    1. System>On Start of Layour : LocalStorage>Check item exists>"key_name"

    2. LocalStorage>On Item Exists>"key_name" : LocalStorage>Get Item>"key_name"

    3. LocalStorage>On Item Get>"key_name" : System>Set Value>level>LocalStorage.ItemValue

    4. LocalStorage>On Item Missing>"key_name" : LocalStorage>Set Item>"key_name">level

    You can use it for highscore. But needed more event and action.

    NB : blue color are Global Variable

    and the italic is Key Name (You should Type it manualy with the "quotes", for example "key_name")

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Member since 25 Nov, 2017

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