Hello there!
I just bought Construct 3 today and i´m reading all the information and help for the stuff I want to learn. I´m not a beginner in programming and developement, just would like to learn some things here.
So my goal is to have a generated name with 2 arrays (Name 1 and Name 2 (Like first given Name and Last Name)
I created 2 arrays as 2 .json files. One with names that I would like to have first and one with names that I would like to have after Name 1.
Destination would be like:
Pick random name from .json Array 1, set text of "Object" to generated Name 1, pick random name from .json Array 2, add text of "Object" from generated Name 2 or so...
Any related topic with this or some help? Would be great!
Thanks in advance =)