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  • Well, I'd create a layout for each of your 'screens' and then transistion between them using the "System - Go to layout" action.

    So you'd start on the 'Titlescreen' layout which has all your buttons on it, and when you click on the 'New Game' button you simply tell it to go to your 'WorldMap' layout.

    When you click on an area on your 'WorldMap' layout, tell it to go to the 'Game' layout with your player and enemies.

    And so on.

    Thanks i'll try.

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  • These references from the article aren't valid and so I ask this question again.

    How I can make a title screen and a map screen? I already have a simple man shooting fireballs at slimes on a grassy tileset, but I need to establish title screen with clickable 'new game' 'load' game' etc, and a clickable map with different areas and creatures. Maybe you can elaborate on this on how I may approach this

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Member since 10 Nov, 2017

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