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  • A better way would be to have one sprite for mapSelect_map and one for mapSelect_nextMap and use instance variables to track the current and next maps.

    You mean make an instance variable on each map sprite defaulted to 0 and when that map is selected set the variable to 1, and then add an exception to only run if the map variable is 1?

  • To clarify a bit, I have two Next buttons, Next #1 and Next #2. I'm not trying to run two events off of a singe object.

    1. When you click the Next button #1 it moves itself and Map1 out of the layout and puts Map2 and Next button #2 in their place.

    2. When you click the Next button #2 it loads the Map3 image, etc etc etc.

    Again, everything works fine with just two options, but if I add in a third it's like the single click is triggering both events.

    Here's some screens:

    The Layout

    The Event Sheet

  • This is kinda hard to explain so I have included the capx below....

    I'm trying to make a menu with three options (Map1, Map2, Map3) but I'm having some problems. Each "MapX" is a sprite image that you click to go to that map. I'm using a Previous Next button system to cycle through the map choices.

    With two objects (Map1, Map2) it's easy, but if I add a third (Map3) it jumps straight to the last option and bypasses Map2. I put a timer in as a test and it does indeed load Map2 then Map3, but a single click on the next button is starting both events.

    Am I doing this completely wrong? How can I get this to cycle through one step at a time? I've tried everything I can possibly think of and I'm out of ideas.   <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thank you in advance for the help!

  • Workaround would be to set one object in game to use timescale 1 even when slow effect is going on, and take reload dt from object.dt

    Hey, that worked like a charm! Thank you very much for the help, I never considered using an object's dt.

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  • Hello everyone, first post and glad to be here. I've nearly completed my first game, but I've ran into an issue that I can't solve. Is there a way to set a fire rate when a button is down without using dt (or frame rate for that matter)?

    My game features a slow down/pause time control which works great if my fire event is based on clicking a button, but if I set a fire rate based on dt then my fire rate slows down/pauses with the time scale for obvious reasons.

    So, I'm wondering if it's possible to set a fire rate without using dt on a button down event? Can it be done? Is there an example somewhere that i could look at?

    Thanks in advanced for the help!

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Member since 23 Mar, 2013

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