Jackriduk's Recent Forum Activity

  • I am new to construct and game development in general. I was wondering if anyone knew a way I can get the platform (using the endless runner template) to get faster as time goes on. I tried bullet acceleration but that doesn't seem to do anything.


  • Hey Jackriduk!

    I had a capx I posted to another thread a sometime ago. Maybe this is what you're looking for.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/hup5yv75fxfn5 ... .capx?dl=0

    Hope this helps. Cheers!

    Thank you exactly what I am looking for!

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  • Hello guys,

    I am fairly new to the whole construct and game making in general. So a few stuff I may not know wording wise.

    I have looked at other posts that seem to be what I am after explaining how to do it. But I either don't understand what they mean/saying explain how to do it. Or I would follow along and it wouldn't work.

    I basically have a endless runner (the template) I am trying to make coins randomly spawn on the platform throughout the endless runner.

  • dropbox -- /s/vdyakq7xel446xt/Endless_Runner_Xmas.c3p?dl=0

  • Hello guys,

    I am fairly new to the whole construct and game making in general. So a few stuff I may not know wording wise.

    I have looked at other posts that seem to be what I am after explaining how to do it. But I either don't understand what they mean/saying explain how to do it. Or I would follow along and it wouldn't work.

    I basically have a endless runner (the template) I am trying to make coins randomly spawn on the platform throughout the endless runner.

    CAPX - dropbox.com/s/vdyakq7xel446 ... s.c3p?dl=0

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Member since 23 Oct, 2017

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