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  • I do not have a Tab S4 but i think it should work. Because trhe Tab S4 is just an Android Tablet . If you do not use DEX Mode an Tab S4 it should work as expected !!

    But if you Use DEX an your Tab S4 , it will also work, BUT there are some unexpected behaiviors.

    In example ZOOM.... You cant Zoom with your FIngerns and also not with your Mouse. There is a PopUpMenu (right click) --> View --> ZOOM + /- But this acts unexpected .

  • With Note 9 you can Use Linux on DEX, and so you will have no problems at all ! Just Use Linux on DEX and inside Linux on DEX you can use Construct3 in a Browser.

  • In my personal opinion, subscriptions (daily, monthly, yearly) are crap. But this is sadly a trend for all. It's unbelievable, but i also have to pay for my VideoEditor (KineMaster) on Android 4$ every month. I know, this is NOT the Subject of this thread, but i only want to say. I miss the good old days, were you could pay ONCE for a product and then it was yours.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Yes i also played around with my Samsung Note 8 and Dex on a 27" curved screen and it worked as expected. I only had to switch to the Desktop view (not the Mobile view (Workspace), that came automaticly. But in Desktop Workspace view, it runs fine. (Chrome Mobile).

  • Two years ago, i bought Construct 2 and i had massive troubles with it. And i got my money back after 1 - 2 Weeks! Thank you very much again for this then! But Today i understand, that this was NOT a Problem from Construct 2. This was a problem of my own!! With the release of Construct 3 i realized, what a great Product "Construct" is! I tested it as a free version and what shall i say?! I LOVE IT ! As soon as i have some money, i will buy the Full Version! Until today, i made several Games with "Stencyl" you may also know

    YouTube Video of my last Game for iOS and Android:


    My Other Games:

    But this text here is not an advert for me or my work. It's here to say THANK YOU for Construct!

    Because with Construct i can look in a new future .... You have to know, i stopped to made games because of my mental health ! I worked so hard over many years, and had not a single success... This brougt me to a burnout (my second in a row between several years). I tought that i will never ever made a new game again. Until today! But Today i feel new power, new curiosity, i have new ideas i feel stronger than last month. Construct gave me a new hope a new perspective in my life. I'm happy again !!

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Member since 20 Oct, 2017

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