Zignide's Recent Forum Activity

  • BUMP! (I can bump in this forum, right? xD)

    I really hope i will find some people to help, any help is appreciated, remember :)

  • I used the second one, but i cant post links yet, so i think i will send you a private message :)

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  • Sure, i just need to know how to post the capx...xD

    I totally forgot to ask, i will post the capx as soon as i know how.

    Hope someone can tell me how...xD

  • Select the snailEnemyBox, click Create Container on the left under properties, add the snail sprite to the container. Now when you pick the snailEnemyBox, the snail is picked as well. That will make the snails mirror correctly and when you destroy the box the snail will be destroyed too.Worked perfectly! thanks!

    It would probably help if you could possibly post a capx.

    That way someone can try troubleshooting it.

    Oh, thank you for the tip, i will try to if i cant find a way to do something else :P

  • Last...BUMP!

    I made that if the sprite is colliding with the box, then it disappears, and it worked, the problem is when one enemy is passing through the other one...

    I dont get why it worked though for that too, that only one of them disappears, because both are colliding with that object, one is colliding with a copy, but still, and the "is pinned to", didnt work...

    Well, now im trying to solve the problem of when an enemy is passing through the other one, because then both of them disappear, and a box remains there anyways.

    I think this will be the last bump if none replies, as i dont think i will find a reply if none replied to 2 bumps.

    Any help is appreciated!

  • Hmh...i have an idea, although i dont know how to express it in a theoric way, as im new xD

    My idea would be to have 2 scenes, and a player character in each one, one pinned to the other one...

    then have one solid in one scene and the other one in the other one, this way they wouldnt collide, and if a player is above one of them, it wouldnt fall down...

    Hope this makes some sense, im a newbie, and im just trying to help a little, i dont know the exact commands to do this, im not even sure if you can have two scenes in the same layout, but...well, that would be my idea xD

  • Okay, then i just hope someone will reply the question i had...xD

    Thank you all for the help! :)

  • BUMP!

    24 hours passed -almost, but i have to go xD- and i still couldnt solve the problem...

    I understand more or less why my code is not right, but i tried others and they dont work anyways...

    My question is, what commands can i use to clone an enemy with an invisible box, so they still conserve their properties? In the tutorial i looked, they did that, but without an invisible box, what i did was the same but changing the movement to the box, still, it doesnt work...

    hope i can find some help, im so close to finish the tutorial xD

  • Whoah...i guess it wasnt a good idea...xD

    Then i will have to wait for someone to reply my question, i guess...already almost a day, 0 replies...i dont know when i can bump the thread, but i guess i shoudlnt ask that here xD

    thank you for the help anyways! :P

  • Ooh, okay, i found it, thank you!

    -now i just need someone to reply my other question...xD-

  • Im trying to visualize the html5 code that this program creates -for what i understand xD-

    I cant find a way though, when i open it with a text program, it just shows the computer language it seems (tons of weird symbols)

    So...yeah, how can i see the code created? I think it might be useful so some people that dont use this program can help me too.

    -remember im a complete newbie at programming xD-

  • Well, yep, im searching for some people who can help me with my first project, as a first project, im not so sure about programming -as you may know if you see the "how to" page xD-, so i cant guarantee so much, but i will do my best for the game to work.

    Im searching for sketchers that can draw animations in a paper for after scanning it, and using that animation in-game.

    The game would be a mix between pixel-art (already have some helpers, and I know how to do it, although maybe i will need some help later too) and sketch art, also, it would be a 2d survival platformer game.

    For more info about the plot or how it would work, just send me a message.

    Any help is appreciated! and feel free to contact me if you have any doubt!

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Member since 11 Mar, 2013

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