Bootfit's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is there an issue with or a time delay on the Construct Reddit forums?

    I've just posted a question asking how to log in to the Google Leaderboards and it's not appearing on the Construct Reddit timeline.

  • Bump!

    Folks, any feedback on what I'm getting wrong with trying to post to the Google Leaderboards?

  • I'm looking at putting my latest game up on Facebook using the Instant Games plugin. When going about this, would you recommend creating a whole new app (or duplicating the existing app) with Facebook-specific events, or simply adding specific Facebook-specific events to the exiting app?

    Has anyone had experience with this?

    cheers all :)

  • Folks - any advice on what the issue may be here?

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  • I have a countdown timer before my game starts... 3...2...1...GO!

    The countdown are sprites rather than text. I want them to start at 100% size and increase to 200% size while fading out over 0.8 seconds.

    I've got the fade action sorted, but how do I animate the increase in size?

    cheers all :)

  • I’m having trouble with some users being able to upload their scores to the Google Leaderboards.

    Here’s the relevant portion of the event sheet:

    As you can see the events run as follows:

    1. User presses the yellow leaderboard button

    2. Google Play > Sign in

    3. Google Play > On signed in > submit score to leaderboard

    4. Google Play > On signed in fail > call an error function (this brings up a popup telling the user how to log in to Google Play)

    5. Google Play > On score submit success > show leaderboard

    6. Google Play > On score submit fail > call general error function (another popup)

    I’ve been told by several people that when they press the leaderboard button nothing happens. No Google Play Sign in or no error pop up either. And yet I’ve had other people who are able to post their scores to the leaderboards with no problem.

    So can anyone spot what the issue is here?

    I notice there’s an event that goes Google Play > Is signed in - how does this differ from point 3 above On signed in?

    Can anyone post a screenshot of their process for successfully signing in and submitting to the Google Leaderboards?

    Cheers :)

  • How long does it take for an issue in the github to be assigned to someone and looked at?

    I posted an issue a week or so ago ( and issues raised since then have had folks assigned to them already.


  • Brilliant - sorted it. Cheers for that.

  • If I want to build a Retro style game for a tablet (iPad) what veiwport size and aspect ratio do I set it for if I want it to fill the full screen? If I use the standard 180 x 320 I'm left with spaces either side of the screen as the aspect ratios for both devices differ.

    I have the game ready to go for the iPhone, but if I play it on the iPad I get the spaces either side. Am I best having a single app that is deployed on both but rejigged slightly for the iPad? I know Viewport fit and Fullscreen mode come in to play here - but I'm not sure how to configure them properly.

    cheers all :)

  • Yeah, to my knowledge I'm running the Latest release. What’s the current version number?

  • So I’m guessing all apps across both stores that have Google Ads installed have their sound drop out after an interstitial shows. Poor show on Google’s part.

  • So am I right in thinking that everyone who uses interstitials has the sound crap out of their app during use, or is it just specific apps? Is it iPhone-specific or on Android too?

    I’ve also noticed that once sound has dropped out, if you leave the app (not close it) and go to the home screen then go back into the app, the sound returns. This is similar to a bug I’ve posted in the bug thread where the Game Center object doesn’t run twice until you’ve gone back to the home screen and then back into the app.

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