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  • Smashing - thanks :)

  • I want to make my users wait for a couple of seconds before they restart their game.

    Currently, if the press anywhere on the screen they restart immediately:

    Touch > on any touch start > system > Go to Game

    I want to delay this for a couple of seconds before the Touch > on any touch start becomes active.

    How would I do this?

  • I've tried almost every possible combination of events to get the highscore post to the Google Leaderboards for my game and I'm at my wit's end with it.

    I've asked in the regular 'How Do I?' forums - 29 views and not one single reply ( - so either folks don't know ho to, or simply don't care enough to post a simple screenshot.

    So how much would someone charge for a simple .cp3 with the events in the correct order to make a game post a highscore to the Google leaderboards?

  • I have a couple of simple apps on the Play & App Store that I want to put onto Facebook Instant Games.

    First off, as the apps have Google Admob plugins, plus functionality to add scores to Google leaderboards and share scores via social media. Will I need to remove these features or are they compatible as they are with the Facebook Instant Games? If not, I’m guessing I’ll have to create a duplicate app with these features removed and upload that.

    If the Admob plugins aren’t compatible is there a similar feature you can add on instant games?

    Lastly, can anyone give me some pointers on where to start, outside of the documentation available here?

    Cheers all :)

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  • Yeah, except we've already made our amends in r204 and saved etc and when we tried to export/build that's when we discovered the Keystore/password issue. Then when we try to open these projects again in r197 we get the following error message:

    This project cannot be opened since it was saved in a newer version of Construct 3. The project was saved in r204, and you are currently using r198. Use a newer version of Construct 3 to open the project.

    So yeah, until the patch comes we're screwed.

  • Good. Because the issue I'm now having from having to create and sign with a new Keystore is when updating the app on the Google Play Store I'm getting the following error:

    Upload failed

    You uploaded an APK that is signed with a different certificate to your previous APKs. You must use the same certificate. Your existing APKs are signed with the certificate(s) with fingerprint(s):


    and the certificate(s) used to sign the APK you uploaded have fingerprint(s):


    So once this new update to revert to the original system is live I'll be able to use my original keystores for updating my existing apps.

    Until the update is live though, we're all screwed.

  • Ashley

    Has there been any movement on this? Is it worth making an announcement to the whole customer base?

    Those with apps made live before the changes were implemented will no longer be able to update them using this new signing system, and anyone who has made a new app using the new signing system may not be able to update their apps if the new system is reverted to the old system.

    Therefore currently working in Construct is pointless as we don't know if we'll be able to update/amend any app we're working on once they're live - as we don't know which system will be in place.

    I think you need to make the customers aware of this ASAP.

  • The problem we have is the build tool was (it seems) updated to ignore the key password when creating keystores. So people kept entering a key password when creating a keystore, which was ignored, then re-entered it when signing the app, and then getting "wrong password" errors. This change was in the beta release for about a month before it came to a stable release, which gave the impression the change was OK.

    So educate people who were having the initial problem - everybody who had to build previous to this had to learn.

    If we add back a key password field just for signing, we'll be asking people to enter a password they never previously specified, which would probably cause further confusion.

    If this new system has only be implemented for a month there will be so many less apps that will have be affected, as opposed to all the apps that have been using a password key since the first days of using Construct.

    So it's not clear to me what to do here, it seems this change to the build tool has thrown a spanner in the works.

    Do some proper testing at your end and try it out on some of your own apps?

  • When I was learning how to build my first app with Construct I learnt that I’d you lose your keystore then you couldn’t paste your app once live - so don’t lose your keystore a otherwise you’re screwed.

    Seems odd that Scirra wouldn’t know this And would create an update that blocks any current live from ever being updated.

  • Sounds to me like you’ve fixed one problem to create another that will affect the whole community.

  • Yeah I thought you always had to use the same keystore otherwise you can’t update your live game.

  • I've just updated to the latest stable release (r204) and I'm trying to export for Android.

    I do the usual Menu > Project > Export > Android (Cordova) > Choose Signed Release APK...

    Then further down the interface I get to choose My Keystore and input Keystore Alias, Keystore Password but there's no box to input Keystore Key and so the build fails...

    Am I missing something? Is this a new feature of r204 that I need to check/uncheck something previously down the line or is it an error?

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