Bootfit's Recent Forum Activity

  • OK - I've signed up for a Google Play dev account.

    I'm wanting to create and link to a Google Play leaderboard.

    Can someone give me a step-by-step account of how to create one and link to my app?

    Do I need to upload the app first, or can I just create the app as a draft first?

    The code I've currently got in the app is:

    Thanks all

    Edit: I've found this url - is this what you use?

  • OK - I've managed to set up a Game Center Leaderboard etc and I now have the following that adds highscores:

    The highscore adds to the leaderboard, however it doesn't add automatically - If I first get a highscore of (for example) 10 and add that to the leaderboard thats fine. However, if I then get a highscore of 15 and add that, the leaderboard doesn't update, unless I go out of the leaderboard and then go back into it - where it's then updated.

    Is there a way to get the leaderboard to update directly on Highscore submit, rather than having to go out then in again?

  • I used Ultimate Ads plugin in the Scirra store ( - it allows top or bottom ad placement, plus something called Custom which I've not played around with. It works seamlessly with Admob.

  • OK - what I've done to start with is:

    System > On Start of layout > GameCenter > Authenticate user

    ...then further down:

    So where do I go from here - I'm guessing I have to redirect or send info to Game Center once Scoreboard has been touched. In the final action - I'm guessing leaderboard is something I set up with Apple and it's ID will be entered here?

  • Hello all - I'm wanting to include a leaderboard or Game Center(iOS)/Google Play (android) functionality in my game, although I'm not sure which, or if a leaderboard is a Game Center/Google Play.

    Essentially I do want a leaderboard - so do I go about this via implementing Game Center/Google Play or do I do it another way? I want the user to be able to click the highscore icon and to be taken to a leaderboard if they're signed into Game Center/Google Play. Is this doable?

    I've looked up the Game Center manual entry ( but it doesn't show how to implement the functionality, just lists the possible actions, conditions and expressions etc.

    So is it Game Center/Google Pay functionality that I do need or is it something else? Also, can someone point me towards a Construct tutorial that shows me how I go about implementing this functionality?

    Thanks all

  • Does this plugin work only with Admob or can it be used to implement other ad networks?

  • In regards to Admob banner impressions, is there a minimum amount of time a banner has to be on screen to count as an impression, or can a banner be on for as low as say 2 or 3 seconds to count as an impression?

  • Hello C2 folks - posted this question in the C3 forum but got no answers - hopefully someone here can help...

    Anyone have any idea why the interstitials appear on my iPhone but not on my Android phone when they both use the same exported project - One exported for iOS (Cordova) and the other exported for Android (Cordova) and built via Phonegap? I’ve tested on a couple of Android phones - one high-end and one low-end.

    The test Android interstial ID is the same as the one Google tells us to use (ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712) here:

    The banner ads on both versions appear fine, just the interstitials on Android are not appearing.

    Thanks all <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Ok then, does anyone have a list of YouTube/bloggers who review game apps?

  • Anyone have any idea why the interstitials appear on my iPhone but not on my Android phone when they both use the same exported project - One exported for iOS (Cordova) and the other exported for Android (Cordova) and built via Phonegap?

    The test Android interstial ID is the same as the one Google tells us to use (ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712) here:

    The banner ads on both versions appear fine, just the interstitials on Android are not appearing.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • The Phonegap Developer app has been removed from the App Store due to Apple developer constraints.

    What will this mean for us deving for iOS and using Phonegap to add native features? Will apps build with Phonegap be rejected?

  • *bump*

    Anyone have any idea regarding this?

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