Tantusar's Recent Forum Activity

  • I'm trying to implement a clock/timer using a specific font but the numbers keep jumping left and right because they're proportional. The font has tabular figure support, but is there any way to use that feature inside of Construct 2?

  • Because I can't use it.

    It's not free. I don't even need it for actual Multiplayer. All I want is to be able to use an iPad to control a custom display on a projector for a school project. I'm on a bit of a shoestring budget, you see, so I thought Construct 2, which I had used some times before, would do nicely. ($180+ AUD? )

    But, after hours of work and some hard drive issues, I go to export so I can test the blasted thing (because testing over LAN is also not free... ) and I am finally told that the Multiplayer plugin requires the Personal Edition.

    My biggest issue is that, prior to this incident, I had not been notified that this was the case. There is no mention of it in-program or in the Manual entry for the Multiplayer plugin. The first documentation (excluding the error) of this requirement that I could find was on the feature comparison page, which I had not needed to use prior.

    You can understand, then, why I would be disgruntled to find out that my hours of work had been for nothing.

    (Steam Version, Free Edition 212.2)

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  • I would like to request an option to make the collision box of a sprite circular. Often I make a bullet object that I expect bullets to bounce off walls at same angle as they hit the wall. Normally, he only way to do this would be to add a whole heap of collision points, which lags up the game. Do you see what I mean?

  • Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to find out until after the Easter break, which, at least here in Tasmania, lasts from today (Thursday, 28th March 2013, AEDT) through to next Tuesday. (Tuesday, 2nd April 2013, AEDT) This, of course, sucks.

    On a lighter note, Happy Easter!

    <font size="5">=== Tantusar ===</font>

  • <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Link to .capx file (required!): Not applicable.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a new project with an object with a sprite.

    2. Save and close the project.

    3. Open it again.

    4. Read the errors.

    Observed result: When I open a project, some images produce a "corruption" error. I go into my Animations folder, and I find the images just plain aren't there. I have to manually add their images to the Animations folder.

    Expected result: I save a project with new images. I go into the Animations folder and the new images are there.

    Browsers affected: Not applicable, bug with Construct 2.

    Operating system & service pack: Windows 7 Enterprise

    Construct 2 version: Since at least r120</font>

    Edit: This is in a school environment. Could this be the problem?

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Member since 6 Mar, 2013

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