RBARON85's Recent Forum Activity

  • dop 2000 I did it !

    It is working!


  • Hello,

    I add behavior move to to an object but there is no MOVE TO UID among the options.

    I tried to ask the System check if UID exists or pick object by instance but no good.

    There are all other options of the behavior and they work just fine... but MOVE TO UID is missing.

    What i want to do is choose between UID values from the same sprite and then move to it.

    like random.

    If anyone has an idea please help.

    Do i need to unnistall and install again the behavior?

  • i´ll check it out! thanks

  • Hey there ! little help here

    I´m having a problem with the rope system in a plataform game that i´m working.

    in fact the rope is working in perfect conditions with the phisics ( SWING )but if i do a copy the system crashes.

    I want to have several ropes in the level. Pitfall style

    How should i do it? i must clone the first rope and add another system in the event sheet? because a simple copy doesn´t work.


  • Hey there ! little help here

    I´m having a problem with the rope system in a plataform game that i´m working.

    in fact the rope is working in perfect conditions with the phisics ( SWING )but if i do a copy the system crashes.

    I want to have several ropes in the level. Pitfall style

    How should i do it? i must clone the first rope and add another system in the event sheet? because a simple copy doesn´t work.


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  • Hi all

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Member since 2 Sep, 2017

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