My title isn't a precise statement of what I'm hoping to do, but it's close enough.
I'm trying to implement what amounts to a variation on, and I want each of the buttons to have a distinct sound - so far, I've named then A, B, C, D. When the game first opens up, obviously, the player needs to have the pattern to follow played to them. I'm generating the pattern randomly and so I can't just a priori say which sound to use. Currently, I have:
On start of layout:
* Audio - Play "A" not looping from Sounds at 0 dB (tag "")
* Audio - Play "B" not looping from Sounds at 0 dB (tag "")
* Audio - Play "C" not looping from Sounds at 0 dB (tag "")
and all of the sounds are played on top of each other. How do I get the next sounds to wait until the previous finish?