lahirug87's Recent Forum Activity

  • LittleStain here is the capx .. please take a look & guide me through if you can, thanks :)

    BluePhaze Thank you, I will check it :)

  • Hi,

    I am working on a small project which I need to make a man walking animation using platform behavior with touch controls, does any one here can help me out?

    I tried it but the animation doesn't work with platform behavior using touch controls, then I added "character move forward in pixels" even in that animation is not working <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Please help me

  • , voc� se importaria de compartilhar seu capx arquivo ou compartilhando um tutorial de como fazer os efeitos de �gua, por favor?

  • I am working a certain project with a friend of mine, so we split our work & do it, is there anyway that we can join the capx files together and make it a single capx file without loosing what we did? please help i really need to know this?

    or any alternative way to join our project files in to a single project file?

  • bump, can someone help me please?

  • Hi

    I am new to Construct2 and I tried to search a solution for my problem & i couldn't find any , so may be anyone of you can help me please? :)

    what I want to do is, when I pause my game, it will redirect to another layout with a menu, there's a restart button & I want to restart my game in the other layout & i want to go back to the game layout from my menu layout

    note - I have not used any global variables , I used Persist behavior & delta time and frame rate Independence

    Thank you

  • Sketchy77

    Thanks for your response, now I have added all the actions which I want to be paused when I press "P" key and made it a group and then created a event

    when I press P > deactivate the group

    [then it will go to another layout and when i press R it will return to the previous layout and activate the group"time scale 1.0"]

    then when I press R > activate the group

    now what I want to do is, when I press R & when it return back to the game layout i want to start the game from where I paused, not from the beginning, how do I do that?

  • Hi all

    pardon me because I am a noob for construct2.

    just think i have 3 layouts

    layout1 - mainmenu

    layout2 - game screen

    layout3- resume menu

    so what I want to do is, while im playing the game using time scale action I want to pause the game pressing "P" in my keyboard and then it should go to "layout3" so how do i call this event?

    can anybody help me out?

    i tried keyboard -> on P pressed | system-> set time scale 0 -> system go to layout3keyboard -> on P pressed | system-> set time scale 0 -> system go to layout3 but it didn't worked

  • rexrainbow

    yes I also can do the same, but when i run the project in full screen the settings panel of the project (as in the settings which offered in the game) doesn't display properly & the start button doesn't work properly, did that worked for you properly?

  • rexrainbow yes, this is the project

    you can download it from here belongs to Savvy001

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  • rexrainbow I did, but then when I run it, it doesn't work properly <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • hey rexrainbow I am using this version of construct ( as you can see it in the attached image)do you have any idea why do I get this error when i try to load it in to a certain project? help please? <img src="" border="0" />

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Member since 1 Mar, 2013

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