htmlgames's Recent Forum Activity

  • Any Tax implications (uk)?

  • FYI:

    "Thanks, but will it still rotate between portrait modes if the phone is flipped 180 degrees?,"

    Using the android_manifest.xml way above, will disable (ignore) any rotation from the user flipping the phone 180 degrees.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • You can also edit the android_manifest.xml directly, and add (or change) in the activity node this:




    this will lock the screen orientation for an android app.

  • As a test could you drastically reduce all you graphics (using higher compression) and see if that effects anything?

    EDIT: Also are you loading everything locally?

  • I played the web version as well. Great game! (the mobile one just said coming soon)

    HTH: When you get it available in mobile, use Chrome debug (F12) and set to mobile phone, goto network tab and you can inspect timings for all requests.

  • I couldn't see anything obvious skim reading, but may help: ... anges.html

  • Hi all,

    Just wanted to see if anyone else noted this - I have a Android app that when started should play a short sound file, then when any interaction play looped music.

    The issue I was getting on (tested lollipop and marshmallow) was that the initial interaction played both sound files with no looping.

    However, since updating the webview v60 it now working correctly.

    anyone else noticed other fixes?

  • 19 = kitkat

    20 = google gear (watch stuff)

    21 = lollipop 5

    22 = lollipop 5.1


    (I personally output for 21+)

  • htmlgames (a.k.a n-gauge and Dogtopius) here!

    Recently upgraded to personal licence and have started making Android apps with Construct 2.

    Have also coded apps in html / javascript and enjoy playing various emulators.

    Dogtopius also creates excellent pixel / anime art, as well as coding for Construct 2.

  • I think the browser based solution of C3 is it's biggest asset followed by:

    apk creation seems easier in C3 (I'm using Android Studio for C2)

    I prefer the one off payment of C2 (though I understand C3 as a service requires more money to run everything)

    Overall I think the engine technologies are shared regarding webGL etc, so both will perform well.

  • I choose Construct 2 as it doesn't mess with your pixel art like the others (frustratingly) do!

    (plus has a better licencing deal).

    Still new to the events system, but seems easy to pick up.

  • I've just had a play around with some demo's on Chrome and was wondering if this browser technology would be implemented anytime?

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Member since 5 Aug, 2017

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