BerthusY's Recent Forum Activity

  • One easy way is making a behavior of rojo's canvas plugin, to display something on the canvas, so that you don't need to maintain the code of canvas-to-engine side.

    Can you give a demo, or write a code how to do what i'm trying in behavior ?

  • Ashley

    The problem is, the camera shuts off and shows its sprite color when another object gets spawned. So it only works if it's the only object in the layout. I don't want to keep the camera always on, but i want him to not stop without users command. It's a weird bug. The demo should first show the back camera of the mobile device in cocoonjs, after 5 seconds i spawn a blue sprite and the camera stops. :S

  • Ashley

    How should i draw it to keep the camera on ? Because the way i'm doing it, the camera stops when another object spawns. I made a quick demo of the problem.

    Can you please check what I'm doing wrong in this plugin ( includes the plugin & capx project in the .zip ) :

    For a demo of the plugin open this url in cocoonjs canvas+ launcher:

  • I have recieved your e-mail and installed the plugin, thanks!

    Sadly, I already have to report a few bugs concerning sharing via facebook:

    1. When sharing via facebook, I wanted to use a redirect URL and entered a link to an app on the Google Play Store. The link to the app works fine, but the title and the description are not shown anymore on the facebook post. (I tried to use another URL, e.g. to the home page of Google Play Store, and then it worked). Could you fix this somehow? It would be nice if the people on facebook could see the full post, then click on it and enter the app site on Google Play Store directly.

    2. I can't use hashtags inside the title or description. I tried using %23, but it didn't work either.

    3. Using quote signs inside the title or description leads to backslashes in the facebook post somehow. Do I need to enter something else to avoid this?

    4. This is a major problem for me: When sharing via facebook, the wall posts always show '' at their bottom. is your own site, isn't it? I can truly understand that you want to make money (like everybody else here) and that you therefore need to advertise your plugin. But please understand that other people might want to make money, too. As I am creating commercial games, I do not want to have advertisements of other people or companies within them - I do not mean to be rude to you or anything, that's just how business is. Could you please offer the possibility to turn the '' inside the posts off?

    And one last question:

    I can't host any files myself so far. Can anyone recommend a trustworthy, free file hoster in order to upload images, so that they can be shown in facebook posts (Dropbox won't work for this)?

    I hope you can help me with that. Many thanks in advance!

    P.S.: I am not a native English speaker, you might excuse my (sometimes) horrible grammar!

    Thanks for the bug reports. Will work on it.

    To hide you need to have your own website with PHP hosting and contact me. It isn't for advertising, i would hide it if i could, but because the files are located on, facebook wants to show the domain.

    You need a php server for upload function of this plugin.

  • GeometriX












    This project was successfully completed by your interests and helps.

    Thank you very much until now!

    If you have no "Phonegap related plugins (+Crosswalk) (all plugins + free update) full package", I'll give it as a present.

    If you want, let me know your email address with PM.

    Sang Ki Kwon


    Nice offer, but i already got your great plugin package, keep up the great work!

  • CreativeMind

    Mail is send sorry for delay.



  • Hello,

    I just purchased your plugin a few hours ago and recieved two e-mails from PayPal: One confirming that the money has been send and one confirming that the money has been recieved. None of those e-mails contained a download link for the addon. Will I get another e-mail or did something go wrong somehow? I can prove payment of course.

    Yes you will get 3th email from me soon as possible. (I know your mail) Sorry for the delay.

  • Use puffin browser. It works great with

  • "Load image from URL" should work fine. The most common problem is cross-domain security restrictions - the server you load from has to explicitly allow you to load the image remotely.

    By default Construct 2 uses WebGL rendering, so will call your plugin's drawGL function instead of draw (which is for canvas2d). You need to write both and have them render the identical thing.

    Offcourse "Load Image from URL" works great, the bug was somewhere else. Just did a clean code with the example of R0J0hound and got the same problem :

    What i'm doing :

    acts.OpenCam = function ()
    var img = CocoonJS["Camera"]["startCapturing"](0, this.width, this.height, 30);
    var ctx=this.ctx;
    this.runtime.redraw = true;
    this.update_tex = true;
    Funny enough this works only if i don't add an object to the game (Sprite, text etc).
    If it's only the Canvas plugin in the project and i fire the OpenCam function on start of layout it works great.
    I'm exporting in CocoonJS mode, the plugin is for cocoonjs camera.
    I'm trying to get the camera from IOS for AR effect to use as background, and CocoonJS Camera function is working with IOS.
    Also tried this to get the camera for IOS but that failed:
  • You could use one of these:

    Great plugins, looking now in your source to learn what you did

  • I'm trying to make a plugin where i need to draw a image on the canvas runtime. Examples of javascript on the internet shows ctx.drawimage etc. But that does not work with Construct2. I did a quick look in the official sprite plugin. And used the method in "Load image from url". It works but offcourse it's buggy. How can i simple draw something on the canvas is there a documentation or example of this ?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I can give Share Plugin :

    Free for the ones trying to help, i really need to fix this problem. I need the photo from IOS.

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