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  • Hi Lucid,

    Just tried the latest. Thought I'd report back on how it worked -

    The glaring new issue for me (Not seen last time) is that in my large project, when I switched to C3 there seemed to be a layering issue with all animations (spritesheet and object based) whereby the animations played absolutely fine but the constituent parts were strobing rapidly through multiple variations of layer order. Quite trippy. Caught a still image of one of the characters to illustrate.

    Strangely when I set up a blank new test file and imported one of the same animations it worked fine. Dunno what this means. Maybe the problematic animations were glitching because they were originally imported into C3 on an old version of the plugin?

    But very good news is all animations seem to run (Aside from layering) as intended, switching layouts caused no problems, and blending also causing no problems! Most of the fixes seem to be working well!

    Hope this helps. Thanks for the update, exciting to see the plugin progress!

  • Hey Lucid, as a lurker just wanted to chime in and say I'm looking forward to any updates on the Spriter for C3runtime plugin. Been working on a big project very much dependent on Spriter. It's been working great for our needs and we're often complimented on our animations (I always credit Spriter). However I've been stuck in the old C2 Runtime for ages now and our project is missing out on a tonne of new features (not to mention the supposed performance gains of C3).

    So I got super excited when you released the experimental plugin. And it almost works!! When I switched over to the C3 runtime on our big project it actually ran! However I soon began to notice the cracks. The first is to do with the playing of animations (Blending problem explained well by captainsteff). The other pretty major one is that layout changes were crashing the game which i think i saw mentioned by another user in relation to this plugin. Switching back to C2runtime neither of these problems happen of course.

    Excited for Spriter2 and by no means want to put down the amazing things your doing in that regard but basically I'm a C3 user looking for something practical and robust that works now (i.e. currently Spriter1 in C2 runtime). Spriter1 in C3 runtime in the not to distant future would be amazing for our project! So please keep up the good work on that plugin and fingers cross for more updates soon.

    Big respect

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  • Thanks Mikal! The -safe-mode command line totally worked!

  • Thanks Lucid! Working now in regular browser C3.

    However - Not sure how to repair my desktop version of Construct as it is still reading that error (Even after re downloading) Is there some trick to getting it into safe mode that you might know?

    Also great to hear Spriter2 is on track - keep up the good work. FYI our game Haiku Adventure is powered by Spriter and hopefully Spriter2 in the future!

  • Just tried with latest beta and same thing unfortunately. Thanks for the tip on the safe mode (I was deleting my browser cache before to fix it!)

    For now I'm using the old c3addon you created way back at the start of this thread. Seems to still work for me. Although I could really do with some of the upgrades you've added since!

    Also any word on the spriter2 beta release??? Eager to get stuck in!

  • Thanks Lucid! Your work is always appreciated. Unfortunately since installing the addon and restarting Construct 3 I am getting the following screen:

    Any advice? I seem to be completely blocked from getting back in even to uninstall the addon!!

  • Sorry for not explaining - in the second image I linked you can see the C3 spritesheet as shown in the project tools of construct 3. For clarity i drew a couple of red boxes over the image - One to show the mouth image it is supposed to be referencing (lower down in C3 Spritesheet but top left of the spriter spritesheet (the first mouth)) and one to show where it incorrectly references (top left of C3 Spritesheet where i drew 'TEST' within that particular 'straw robe' sprite).

    So basically it should look like a mouth (Its only a simple animation). Additionally - I'm pretty sure its not a problem with that particular animation as I have seen this occur with other spriter spritesheets i have imported.

  • Hopefully these images help illustrate it. I drew 'TEST' into the corner of the sprite i noticed it was referencing from. Always happens on the same C3 spritesheet the spriter spritesheet has been placed on.

    What i mean by large project vs blank canvass is that on a 'blank canvass' (new project) youd never notice this while testing as there would be no other sprites in the C3 spritesheet to confuse the referencing and the spriter spritesheet would i guess be in the top left corner of the C3 spritesheet where it references from so it would appear to work fine.

    Sorry about the links, wasn't sure how to resize image in BB Code

  • Thanks for implementing the spriter plugin! Been using it in my project and discovered a fixable bug after much head scratching!!

    It seems that when using spritesheet (spriter importation method) animations some anims rendered properly and others were rendering random parts of images from elsewhere in the project. Turns out its to do with the way C3 uses its own spritesheets. If the Spriter Spritesheet happens to be in the top left corner of the C3 Spritesheet everything is fine. If there are any other images in that corner of the C3 spritesheet it will wrongly use them.

    You'd never notice if not working on a big project with lots of sprites as opposed to a blank canvass test!

    Would greatly appreciate a fix. And thanks again for the awesome tools/work!

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Happens on any .capx file I use

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Work on a project like normal

    2. After a time slowdown of the interaction with construct 2 begins

    3. Within a few seconds the program seems to freeze entirely

    4. I discovered that minimising and maximising the program seems to refresh C2 to work again lie normal. Upon maximising the program window, it starts black and then you see each window slowly refresh back in.

    Observed result:

    This freeze occurs semi-regularly and frustratingly interupts workflow. I thought it was specific to my computer (Alienware M15X) but am now using C2 on my new Surface Pro and getting the same thing.

    Expected result:

    No Freezes!

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: no

    Firefox: no

    Internet Explorer: no

    Operating system & service pack:


    Construct 2 version:

    C2 Personal Release 146 64bit (Steam Version)

    Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated. C2 is awesome and I certainly want to keep using it.

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Member since 16 Feb, 2013

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