JohannesLudwing's Recent Forum Activity

  • I'm making a game in which the battle system is turn-based. In shooting games are easier to do AI, but I tried to do something similar to turn-based and it went wrong. Can anyone help me with this? An artificial intelligence system for rpg.

  • on object clicked sprite1 -> system create new object -> sprite1.x, sprite1.y + 30

    This will work, the sprite.y + 30 will spawn the new objext 30 pixels bellow the first one, but then to spawn the third one you will have to click the second one, or you can change the +30 with a variable and each time you click the first sprite add +30 to the variable.

    Functionate, thank you.

    Now I just need to configure.

  • Hi Guys.

    Need help. I want to make a system where clicking the button makes a clone of an object that appears below the previous one (as if it were a queue).

    I thought about making an array, but I do not know how to do it properly.

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  • You could do this. Put all the names in an array. Then loop over the array and use the find expression to see if the input can be found for each item. If any do add it to the displayed list of items. ... .capx?dl=1

    Thank you, it helped a lot.

  • Hi,

    You can help yourself by making correct object names such as:








    That way you can find your objects much easier.

    Good luck.

    Good idea, but i wanted type:

    TextBox = House

    And show the house in at list.

    Is type one game sandbox of add objects in one area.

  • Good idea, but i wanted type:

    TextBox = House

    And show the house in at list.

    Is type one game sandbox of add objects in one area.

  • I am do one game, where you place objects in a list. The problem is that the list is large and needs a search engine to make it easier. I wanted to know how to make a system to look up the names of objects. If possible one that searches by typed letter.

  • You can do one layer for fog.

    Layer: "Fog"


    Color = black.

    Transparent = No.

    Opacity = (Optional).

    Force own texture = Yes.

    For do visible create one sprite and put in effect

    Blend mode: destination out.

  • Please you can send .capx?

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Member since 19 Jun, 2017

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