so, I was asking the question of teleporting megaman x and I noticed this happening. basically I want that: when X detects that "is overlapping at offset Y = 4" it will stop right on top of the object in red, finish doing the teleport animation and return the controls to the player so he can start playing freely.
But, for some bizarre reason, it is way above the red object and even if I change the value to 3 or 2 it stops in the same place when loading the project but if I change the value to 1 or 0 the Y of the character stays the same to the Y of the object. I have no idea what's going on.
I noticed another thing, that if I'm at the bottom of the layout the Y position works perfectly. as you can see in the image below.
but if it is above the layout, the Y position breaks and it is positioned completely wrong. as you can see in the image below.
I don't understand what's going on, could someone help me fix this?