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  • i sent you a mail as well. but i am not sure if i found the right one because all i see is this: jer(DOT)miller6(AT)gmail , or

    Anyway i am interested and was hoping we could talk if you have not already found someone.

    my email is: csperrevik(At)

  • for some reason the site dont work for me and i cant see the links or your email in this post. wanted to contact you with email, so if you could send it to me that would be great!

  • This sounds like it could be fun. i have never been in a game jam or anything yet but i have been using construct 2 as a hobby for a very long time. I am 23 years old and i live in Norway.

    You can contact me on email or Skype:


    Skype: casper60001

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  • Contact me:

  • i am not really sure if i know what you mean, do you want me to join your team or are you looking for a artist as well?

    anyway if you want anything with me add me on skype: casper60001

    or email me at

  • hi am looking for someone who can create some 32-bit pixel art for my game

    Am going for a top down apocalyptic looking game and would really like some help.

    finding pixel art is hard especially because of copy rights.

    i can not offer you any money right now, but you will be credited in the game.

    i am also looking for a partner (a artist) that want to making games with me. If you want this we will be splitting the profits 50/50.

    contact me:

    skype: casper60001 (from Norway)

    (or send me a message on the forums)

  • Introduction:

    hello my name is Casper i am 18 years old and live in Norway

    i have been making games for some time now where i have been using Gamemaker and blender. I have been using construct2 for 3 months now.

    am not a expert in construct2 and i am mostly doing this for fun don't misunderstand me i know enough about construct2 to make decent games

    what am looking for:

    an artist that is willing to work with me (not for me.)

    what games we create we will decide together.


    we will be splitting the profits of the game.( 50-50 )

    What you need:

    to be able to create decent sprites in different styles like: Apocalyptic, futuristic, modern and middle-ages style

    (this is not so important if you cant make 1 of this or maybe even 2 still contact me and we can talk)

    contact me and we will talk more:

    Skype: casper60001 (remember to put in why you are adding me)

    (or send me a private message on this forums)

  • i am looking for a artist to team up with. If you are interested add me on skype (casper60001) just type why you added me so that i know its you.

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  • thanks

  • how do i get this? (link pls)

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Member since 7 Feb, 2013

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