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  • construct is greate for makeing games.

    but i want to make a data sharing app.


    billy(who is in the usa) inputs data for johny(who is in tokio) and susane(who is in europe)

    then johny and susane can see the data billy has send them in a sort of to do list type version and give a (sort of like button )confurmantion that they have done that task back to billy.

    it will be a to do list type of app but the data billy send to johny must not be seen by susane and the data susane gets is not to be seen by johny.

    any help on how to start on a app like this.

    wil be very helpfull

    oke i try to explane:

    app 1:pokemon go (original niantic)

    app 2:pokemon go from tutu app(is original from niantic with gps spoof and joystick add-on)

    now i got both ipa's but what i whant is the add-on from the hacked pokemon(i whant the gps spoof and joystick)

    i dont whant the pokemon game just the add-on that they use.

    any one got knows how i can extract the the add-on.

    or make one?

  • got it but i will try to make a video on it for you tomarrow i gtg to work now and tonight i have other stuff to do with the wife so no time to do it to day.

  • gumshoe2029

    never looked at that before i will go play around with that to see if i can make a beter cloud and cloudremover effect with effects thanks for the tip

    i have to say i am new to construct 2 and i just read the how do i forum and see people questions and if it something i am going to use or just want to know my self i just open up construct 2 and start trying out stuff to see if i can make it if something work great is not delete and try agan

    i have not looked at effects at all for now but i will try to make a better cloud and remover with this.

  • oke just to be sure i get this right what i think you mean is a sort of level select?


    list 1






    stage 2


    player can select type of level sky/ground or dungeon and select the stage 1.2 and 3

    so when he selects sky stage 3 he will go to the layout with the level that is sky stage3

    is that what you mean??

    if not please try to explane it a little beter.

  • spartan05 thank for your comment on my previus video.

    here is a video on the second question.

    lucky i still had the demo.capx on how to shoot different bullets.

    so this was made fast xd

    hope it helps you.

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  • I just use tilemapeditor its a different program and then i just inport my map to construct.

    But you can also use photoshop and import

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  • If i have time this weekend i will make a video on it on the basics what you can do with tilemaps and how to do it

    If that will help you

  • What do you want to know about tilemaps?

    What do you want to make or do with it

  • you can watch my video on how i quickly got different bullets to shoot out of the same tank when the tank pick up a power up here

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    for a beter and basic understanding of arrays watch jerementors video here

  • Check you tube there are some great tuts on there that show you the process step by step

    And you can pause play any time so watch the full tut first if it is a good explanenation for you just replay and pause play every step and do it with your export if you do it a couple of time you will know it and dont need the video anymore

  • Just set the bullet sprite frames lets call frames (f)

    On normal set bullet to shoot f0 on power up 1 set bullet spire to show f1

    So voor every power up you have you can get a diffrent bullet

    So on pick up power up

    Set bullet frame to bullet you whant also you can edit the dmg and speed diffrent voor each power up pick up.

    Its easy to do in your event sheet and also on your bullet sprite

    Just first add all different bullets to your bullet sprite set them in the frame every frame 1 bullet

    And write witch one is on witch frame then make 1event in your event sheet copy paste it So if you have on bullets so 9 bullets 9 events total and then edit the power up objects and the bullet frames and if you have dmg and speed settings you can edit them to and your done easy i think its faster done then writhing this poste 😀

    Hope that helps you

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