Tazdude24's Recent Forum Activity

  • Any luck on converting to CS3? Paster still seems like the best option for split screen. There are so many issues with Canvas and blending alternatives.

    Thanks for all the work you guys have put into this as is!

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  • Fantastic!! Thank you so much for getting back and explaining those two points. That helps tremendously!


  • Hello,

    I'm realize everything should be self-explanatory, but I'm hoping you wouldn't mind offering further definition for some of the Plugin traits:

    Matchlevel - is 100% meaning it will match anything and 0% it won't recognize any gesture? I have tried to test this out, but it seems to mess up the recognition no matter how little I attempt to change it.

    Creating a New Gesture - Are the X,Y Coordinates that you are putting in just a rough "drawing" of the gesture or is there a min/max that the points need to be from one another in order for it to work?

    Thanks again for all the hard work you put into this, I love it!


  • Holy crap, I can't believe I didn't catch that!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    Usually I choose solution #2, I'm in disbelief that I didn't do it this time around.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • Hello,

    I've created a very simple game, though a bit of an update from the original Space Wars. I've tried to condense everything as much as possible, using families and such, but for the life of me, I can't figure out why certain objects on my 2nd Layout are constantly populating and slowing down the game. Below is a link to the .capx file, so hopefully that will help. Be warned, I have not yet finished cleaning things up, but at this point I don't feel like it should be as bad as it is.

    Problem: Lag when playing the main game, layout 2


    This is my first game with Construct 2, so still a lot to learn. Any help would be greatly appreciate, thanks!


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Member since 30 Apr, 2017

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