Once you spawn a golem in either one of the five lanes they start moving forward, you can switch the golem to any of the five lanes near your base but it will stay in it's current Y axis. You can do this because later in the game you can combine golems to make a more powerful one, the 2 golem selected will be the new golem's position and lane. After the golem exits the highlited base area they cannot be switched or combined. When a golem sees an enemy golem, the golem will stop and start it's attack animation at the end of the animation the golem will spawn a colission box that comes in contact with the enemy that will then minus golem.attack by enemygolem.health. The same goes for the enemy AI and enemy golem AI. Ranged Golems have a longer range of sight and will shoot an object that can pass through allies and collide withe enemy. Ranged Golems don't move while shooting. The Same thing goes for the Enemy Ranged Golems. Everything about this works great except for the movement of the enemy golem. However with your solution I think it should be fixed.
Edit: When a golem reaches an enemy health crystal they stop their movement. Once a lane's health crystal is destroyed the lane is now highlighted in blue and can the golem's switching and combining ability can be used. The lane also creates another health crystal for the player. When this is destroyed it restores the lane to it's original state and the enemy gets it's health crystal back. The new health crystal however is harder to destroy than a regular one. The enemy golems also do the same thing. The game is over when either side has all of it's crystals destroyed.