I must apologize for my earlier message, that on a second reading might have sounded a bit arrongant. I hope I didnt offend...
I tested, again, writing the creation code after each Hero creation.
I must have had some other problem earlier, as I remeber the effect to be totally different. Now, the result was identical, that is, the nametag is positioned wrongly...
BUT, re-reading closely your answer part 2 , the one I arrogantly tossed aside earlier, I noticed that you suggested creating the text using the heroes imagepoint xy instead of the heroes xy.
My understanding of why and how, and how it differs from what I did earlier is far beyond me. But I'm happy, and that is what counts.
To share my happiness, I'll just share my capx with everybody.
It doesn't contain any rocket sience, but there is a nice example of drag and drop done with events and the dynamic hero creation(very simple)
(Thanks to Whiteclaws)
(Hope this works. First time Dropbox user. Would make it a h-link but too low rep..)
If I may, one more quick question...
When I pile all the heroes on top of each other and drag and drop, it drags and drops all of them. A nice effect, but one I do not want...
I heard that there is a "just once" event modifier or similar , but can't find it. And if I found it, would it help?
Alternative solution: prevent heroes from piling...
What is the easiest way to do it? Creating a colision event or is there a ready made behaviour that would make me even more happy?