Ohh well, there is really not much to see haha ...just tried it.
at least the animations and music works pretty good for me continue the good worK!
Looks kinda interesting. I like the minimalistic design:)
When can we play it?
Couldn't check it out yet, but it looks great! Will do that later on!:-)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Welcome to construct, helping you to get a thousand ideas possible:-)
Yeahh nice game:-)
sounds always work, like in lots of children songs
For me it took about 1 month to get approved
Just select Opacity/Alpha in Spriter and make the bar zero!
That normaly appears when you use 3rd party behaviours or plugins which aren't supported by the Arcade
I use Wordpress, cause it´s a complete Website System. You can include lots of useful widgets and plugins and everything stays in you hand instead of some branded-blog or whatever
...ot definitely is the best engine Welcome!
Well it´s pretty easy to do with a variable....so i guess there is not really any need for it...
Member since 22 Jan, 2013