Kraudi's Recent Forum Activity

  • Looks like I found a fix.

    Just changed from On Touched Sprite (Gamecenter Icon) to this

    Now it works. Strange bug.

  • having the same problem with my game which keeps me away from releasing it.


    Hope Ashley can say something.

  • I can't release a game that only works on the newest devices, that isn't really acceptable. I have to wait until Ludei fixes the issues. Plus, I don't see my audio issues fixed. When I pause my music, I Can't get it to restart. Also, 9Patch and Tiled BG are still broken for certain sizes.

    Anyone know of work arounds?

    Only with 2.0.0 beta or also with the old 1.4.7?

  • I have some audio problems with audio working as it should. Anyone else? In cocoon all works fine

    another update, solved iad & gamecenter, they are straight forward as others mentioned, as long as you don't mess with 'is authenticated' condition, it's likely bugged, and can cause all sorts of weird error or partially break the game.

    So if I use Ejecta I don't have to use 'is authenticaed' to be working fine?

  • WOrks great now with Ejecta. Only one sound sfx does not play as should. volume is set at 0db so dont know whats the problem. Rest works

  • good news! ashley fixed 2 issue i mentioned earlier, no more turbo after re-enter game, and accelerometer is reversed to normal!

    further testing and comparing the performance of ejecta and cjs, testing with a simple infinite game i'm about to release on iPhone5, here is the result from xcode debug monitor:

    Loading the game at beginning(not counting the splash):

    Ejecta is at least twice as fast to finish loading.

    Title layout idle:

    Ejecta use 30% CPU while Cjs use 70% CPU

    In game:

    Ejecta use 60~70% CPU while Cjs use 70%~100%


    Ejecta use 125mb, Cjs use 160mb.

    Sounds great. Will it be included in next version?

  • I just tried it, seems a little faster, but tiled bgs, 9Patch and audio still don't' work right in some cases..

    and the splash screen is doing the flashy thing again. It was gone for a while, but it's back.

    Is the new Android launcher out yet? Nothing in iOS right now

  • Hope it improves stability to physics on mobile devices..

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  • So we can export it from Construct 2 as html5 and upload it to ludei's cloud service to export it to ios and android?

  • Problem still exists. Keeps me from releasing it to the Appstore. Sucks.

    Have you a capx (or a screen shot of the spawn event at least) you are able to share? Is it possible that the ball is spawning inside another physics object? If you're pinning the previously spawned ball, is it possible that the pin action is affecting the wrong ball (just a guess but I've had that happen!)?

    And yes. My ball is inside another physic object but not in a polygoned area so there shouldnt be a collision at the start. also ball is not created at start(its already positioned on the layer)

    Which alternatives do I have instead of physics? Bullet works but has bad

    collision checks on circul balls. its a top down puzzler (like a topdown pool game)

  • Im using the Box2D

  • It happened again. Damn!

    Edit: Added some debug stuff and found out when the problem happens the "On any touch start" will be activatedd but the "On any touch end" not. But I don't know why and why it does not work again when I restart the layout.

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