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  • I was just doing a few experiments of a project for someone and noticed that the framerate in Firefox seems to be very slow.

    Sound is playing at the right speed but the animations are slowed right down: shellcorp.biz/jtest5

    Even on clicking to get to the next layout seems to be running at a third of the speed.

    Any ideas?

  • doh, that's so obvious now, thank you

  • I have one sprite with 10 different animations being spawned randomly over the layout.

    I want to set a global variable according to which animations the player clicks on.

    I thought I could something like if the player is touching a particular animation it will destroy that animation and set one of the global variables but can't see this as an option.

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  • This was perfect, thank you so much.

    Finding it hard to learn these extra bits like "loopindex"

  • Hi, I am struggling to work out how to do this in the most efficient (or simplest) was possible.

    I have 10 short sprite animations which I want to appear all over a layer, not overlapping.

    I feel like I have two options(?)

    1. Make 10 sprites, put them all in a family, make it so they are created all over the layer at random.

    or 2. (which is what I thought would be best) Make 1 sprite with 10 different animations that get randomly placed and picked in the same way.

    What I can't work out with option 2 is how the event sheet should be for randomly picking an animation, placing the sprite and then repeating without choosing what was already there?

    Does anyone have any thoughts or perspectives that could help me figure out which direction to go in?

  • thank you, I also managed to make it work without 'else' now, which i'm sure is less efficient... i'll try the way you described again

    This is the working method I have currently:

  • Thank you, I guess I still don't quite get how the sub-conditions work and where "Else" can be used

    Sorry, I know this is really simple but it hasn't clicked yet.

    Can anyone upload a screen shot so I can see how it's meant to flow in the editor?

  • I start a layer with an invisble sprite, once tapped it becomes visible and the next tap it should become invisible again.

    This is what I have so far...

    So when it's touched, and also the variable is 0 then it should become visible and set the variable to 1

    on next touch if the variable is 1 then it should go invisible and re-set the variable back to 0

    This doesn't work and I can't work out why.

    I did find a variety of instructions for Construct2 but they all seemed more complicated than neccessary...

    Any ideaS?

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