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  • That's a good idea, thanks!

  • Hi everyone,

    my girlfriend is a big fan of retro games and I made her a little pixel art jump & run for her last birthday. For her upcoming 30th, I want to step my game up a notch and create a little console with 3-4 simple games for her.

    I don't wanna go crazy though. I've been looking at Anbernic consoles and other cheap handhelds but I don't quite know how to get my games to run on them - I'm no dev by any means and only have a little Linux knowledge. My best bet might be an Android console but those are more expensive.

    Does anyone have ideas for consoles or how to do this in a straightforward way with the ones I mentioned?

  • Okay, nevermind, I just found out that the draw distance is a lot further than I thought and the pop-in was caused by how the layers were set up.

    I'm sorry. I've worked on this problem for days now and now that I finally decided to seek help I find the solution myself... ;)


    It would still be interesting to know how to do fog! If it is possible at all, that is.

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  • Is there at this point any way to change the maximum draw distance?

    I ask because I would love to create a 3D game in the style of Dave's Maze (Wolfenstein 3D style). Infos about my wishes can be found here:

    Now, everything works perfectly. I'm completely ok with the simplicity of the 3D world and I love that it's all basically done in 2D space. But the limited drawing distance is killing me.

    I found this thread, but I don't understand the proposed solution and if its applicable to my problem:

    Is there any way to either change the draw distance or at least fake some kind of "fog", to elminate the "pop in" effect?

  • The main aspect that was important to me in the .cap you posted was the simple realization that "Z elevation" works the same way as the proper Z coordinates of the 3D boxes. I don't understand most of the actual math that is going on and therefore try to keep things more simple, as in the first .cap I posted ("David's 3D Maze").

    Changing the "Eye Distance" does increase the view distance but also the field of view. So you can look further but your view is also zoomed in a lot more than would be "natural" for a first person game.

    I fear that it might be a hard coded limitation of the 3D box plugin, that is unlikely to appear when using the plugin in more conservative fashion in a 2D game. Unless someone has a better idea.

    Still, thank you for the great tips!

  • Just a quick addition: Dithering is something that works AGAINST posterization. ;) So they are actually quite the opposite.

  • I have now basically figured out how to do everything I want to achieve. Just one thing bugs me: Is it possible to change the view distance?

    I know fog is probably impossible but at least setting the view distance to a reasonable amount would stop some terrible "pop in" for larger levels.

  • Wow, thank you!

    I had just found this engine, while searching around the forum:

    But your example file seems to be a LOT easier for me to grasph and very versatile too. Math is not exactly my strong suit, so this is a great help.

    Thanks again!

  • I'm not a Construct 2 user, just happened to look around here, but maybe I can help.

    Do you mean dithering (

    I bet the easiest way to create this would be to just create a dithered sprite, for example by exporting a GIF with dithering in a graphics editor like Photoshop.

  • Hello everyone!

    I've got it into my head to create a relatively simple 3D game in the "raycasting" optic of Wolfenstein 3D. Other options like the Raycasting Game Maker ( are too limiting or complicated for me.

    But I love Construct Classic and there was this nice example:

    It uses 3D boxes, which are of course a little wasteful ressource-wise, when used that way but since I don't see any framerate issues so far, I think it could work.

    But do you think it is possible to have animated sprites for enemies, etc.? The 3D box texture cannot be animated. Normal sprites on the other hand don't have a Z-axis and cannot be rotated the same way. Is there a solution?

    Or should I just give up while I'm ahead? ;) Any other software solutions anyone can think of?

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