well that's why Scirra really needs to come up with their on built in iOS/Android solution.. it's very misleading.. sure you can use XDK which is "free" but oh..
i'm sorry did you want to make money with your game? well.. then you're on your own..
Go figure out cranberry's plugins.. hope they work.. get XDK.. hope that the version you have correctly works with the plugin(s) you need.. and hope an update doesn't break it next time you need to do an update..
Volkan and I who frequented the Sang Ki plugin G+ page were pretty much accepting that you cannot be a professional game developer and use XDK with C2.. too many moving parts.. C2 updates.. cranberry updates (or lack of).. xdk updates.. it just seems like just when you think you got everything working.. something breaks.. and you're back to troubleshooting..
I'm not saying Cocoon IO is perfect in every way and will never offer setbacks, but at least they are offering C2 plugins to use their service.. they offer a free (albeit with some limitations) option that should meet most beginners needs. The paid tiers assume that at that point you're ready to make apps that can themselves make money.
This whole argument though that "things cost money? wtf?!" is lame.. if you want to find free tools.. go become a programmer and figure out all that **** on your own.. You need to realize that your working inside of tools that developers have to make work... those developers have to get paid to support that work.. no one owes you a damn thing.. you paid for C2.. personally i think it's too cheap.. but that's up to Ashley.. however part of why it's cheap is because Ashley doesn't have to figure out the pain in the *** world of mobile publishing.. he's smart in distancing himself from this part of it..
and where he stops.. someone else is stepping in.. offering a solution.. and yes that solution costs money.. XDK is basically intel's attempt to get more x86 support because their asses are getting kicked by ARM processors.. they don't want to see the HTML5 community have no x86 processor export options for devices using their hardware.. but ultimately they are not concerned about Construct 2 devs.. they are working with coders most of the time.. coders who know how to fix errors.. because they are programmers!
We do not have that luxury.. we're using C2 because we don't want to code.. or code a hell of a lot less.. a developer usually makes $50-$150 an hour.. so your big purchase of $120 for silver cocoon io covers 2-3 hours of some developer's paycheck..
Sang Ki sold a **** load of plugins for next to nothing.. and free updates.. if anyone thinks he was making bank on that is kidding himself.. i'd be surprised if he broke 3 figures on his plugin sales given the number of developers on the G+ forum.. work that consisted of many many man hours to develop / test and promote / support..
KaMiZoTo i do feel for your situation.. that is a big price for the size of the games.. you might consider writing them and just say.. look i want your service but the size thing is a problem.. you may be surprised. This isn't some 1000 team company.. I'm sure they'd rather have you using their tech and make a little less money than losing you altogether over that. maybe more storage but less projects? you could negotiate something.