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  • Guys,

    Breathe. That is inaccurate and unofficial. When we are ready to officially announce the pricing, you'll be the 1st to know. Interesting how someone can make up pricing and the whole world jumps on the reality of it.

    Here's what people will be paying for when they do use the platform:

    1) The license to use the CocoonJS Virtual Machine. The VM offers access to fixes, enhancements and extensions to the HTML5 spec (like acceleration, multichannel audio, haptics, Box2D, etc).

    2) The Ludei Extensions - access to native payments, native ad networks, push, analytics, access to cool new devices like the Leap Motion device, etc

    3) Unlimited access to the Ludei Cloud - cloud compilations, live updates, cloud storage, analytics storage and delivery, multiplayer, etc

    So, you will be paying for a VM license and cloud infrastructure. Consider us AWS mobile gaming.

    Additionally, there will be a free component that we believe will cover 80% of users.

    So again, do not believe everything you read.

    Last point. I've been doing this a long time. We do not expect to make everyone happy with out business model. I've found over time that someone will complain about a business model no matter how fair it is, because either they complain about everything or they believe everything should be free. And they are always the loudest.

    BTW - we love Scirra customers. Construct 2 rocks. And watch for our big announcement next week.

    Joe Monastiero

    President, Ludei

    <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • mo

    What about ad integration? Are we going to be forced to use Mopub, or can we get native AdMob/iAd support in cocoon?


    Talk to our support team (support@ludei.com) to get details on the alternate ad networks that we support. If you have any issues getting the answers you need, let me know.

  • mo

    Thanks for clearing that, i hope the fair price for business model. Sometimes CocoonJS doesn't work for standard HTML5 features like AJAX, accelerometer with gravity, etc. I can wait when it's completed on Q1.

    Box2D acceleration is available now, has been for about 60 days. AJAX/XHR is supported now also, at least partially. You can go to our site or ask our support team for more info on this.

    However, keep in mind, we are not a big DOM house. We support a simultaneous WebView for your use, but of course, it is unaccelerated. To get acceleration, you need to integrate CocoonJS and Canvas.


  • BTW - download our latest Launcher app (our test container) from the app store or Google play and try some of the demos for yourself. The source code for each is on our website.

  • I agree with this. I've only tested CocoonJS but the performance increase was next to nothing. I was expecting native performance but got basically the same performance I get in Safari on an iPad.

    Oplus1, Safari on the iPad is the fastest web browser in the industry, especially in the iPad3. However, when you are targeting games cross-platform for iOS and Android, you need to take into consideration the installed based and there several hundred million iphone 4, older iPads and Androids with 2.2, 2.3, 3.whatever and 4.x on them. And these devices do not rock HTML5 in the native browsers. However, with CocoonJS, we are seeing 10x improvement in performance on some of these devices and the only device close to running near the same speed as CocoonJS is the iPad3.

    However, I'd like to make sure everyone understands that we are NOT a performance enhancement solution. That is part of what we do, but a small part. Eventually, all browsers will run like Safari on the iPad3 (better even, of course). We're a platform for HTML5 gaming. We provide numerous cross-platform deployment, enhancement and extension APIs in addition to a rich set of cloud services to support your games once deployed. The platform is young, but powerful and being enhanced and extend daily/weekly. Come in, work with us, give us a chance to show you what we can do. Our engineers are brilliant. Challenge them. You'll like the results.


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  • Hi guys, gals,

    Let me just say that I'm sorry that we have not been trolling this forum on a regular basis until now. I promise that will change. Here is some 1st hand information from Ludei:

    1st, let me explain the Splash screen requirement. The platform is completely free until sometime in Q1 (possibly the end of the quarter). So the only thing we can get for the effort and expenditures we've made on the platform is awareness. And we really need the awareness right now. So please bear with us. The splash screen will be removable once the platform business model is in place. I apologize for any inconvenience that causes, hopefully the value you get from the platform (for free!) is more than worth it.

    2nd, the business model is coming and I promise you'll like it. There will be a free component and the paid model will not be "$250/mo", although you could end up paying us $250 per month, but you'd likely be making $25,000 yourself if you were (and no, it is not going to be rev share based). Patience please, coming soon. It is 98% baked.

    3rd, the platform is now at 1.0. We have accelerated Canvas cross-platform and many developers are seeing a 10x improvement in graphics performance, especially on Android. We also have JS APIs for cross-platform In-App Payments, for iOS and Android today, many more coming in the 1st half of next year. We have APIs for multichannel audio, Box2D native acceleration, gyroscope, camera, geo, accelerometer, and now even SVG support via the new Canvas Path command (1st in the world, as far as we know, really freakin' cool!). And we have support for Live Updates in the field, push messaging, analytics and numerous ad networks, not just Mopub. Lastly, we released our Cloud Compiler in October and we already have over 100 games in the app stores. The Cloud Compiler will be extended in Q1 and Q2 to support numerous output formats, we intend to support packaging for every relevant destination where our developers could make money. Stay tuned.

    Lastly, our most successful developers have come from Scirra and Construct2. I want to thank Ashley, Thomas and Paulo for all the great work they are doing and thank the developers that have come over and given us a look. If you looked at us 2 months ago, even 1 month ago, come back and look again. The platform changes for the better almost daily.

    We will pick up Construct2 developers where Scirra leaves off and get you across the finish line with fast, feature rich packaged apps and a full suite of cloud and monetization services. Stick with us.

    Joe Monastiero

    President, Ludei

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j mo

Member since 21 Dec, 2012

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