I'm using the platform behavior, in which i changed the speed property to something faster then the walk. Then you just make and use a timer variable for how long you want to let them dash. Nothing complicated really.
I'll send you a striped down version if you want, when i dig up the project file. 8)
Ah ok, so you are just temporarily speeding things up. I have a run/turbo button in mine where I set the player max speed while it is held down which works similar. I like the timer idea for the dash. One thing I am still trying to get a good method for is an air dash that does not have any downward movement until the dash ends, basically they just shoot forward a certain amount of pixels (and can be used as an air attack). Then at the end of that air dash they can then execute one in another direction as well. For example, I jump up, do a forward air dash which shoots me forward a few hundred pixels, the as that dash ends I can also start an upward air dash directly as I finish the previous dash. So they can dash twice from one jump, but the dashes cannot both be aimed in the same direction. Combining this with my wall jumping techniques I think will lead to some interesting ways for the player to explore the environment and try to find routes to get to areas that would otherwise be unreachable...
I have a few ways to do it so far, just iterating on the method until I have it as simplified and responsive as possible.