Hey there
chrisbrobs —
I did some tests too and it does work just fine with the div plugin :]
Just add the plugin to your layout, and use the "Set innerHTML" action with something like this:
(In this example, I'm also styling the player in the case you want to show it. You could also use variables to change the track name)
"<style type='text/css'>audio{opacity:0.5; width: 500px;}</style><audio controls autoplay loop><source src='http://glitched.heliohost.org/music/Caverns.ogg' type='audio/ogg'><source src='http://glitched.heliohost.org/music/Caverns.mp3' type='audio/mpeg'></audio>"
I have a quite big music library, so I decided to use this method for more flexibility with the hosting ^^