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  • pretty simple uh!!?? works fine, thank you so much !

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  • Hello there, my first message here !! since I began to use construct, I'd always find answers for my so many questions here, by reading you guys.

    But, I must confess, I'm a little bit stuck now.

    Let me explain, I want my player to die after a fall of a specific height. But I want to him to die on landing, not at the moment he will cross this specific heights.

    I used vector Y expression to show me the speed of falling and set a speed comparison to trigger death.

    It works great, but when I had a sub-event "on land" or "not moving" and thing like this, it doesn't work. Maybe it's not the better way to do it....

    Please show me light and keep the goos work !


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Member since 6 Feb, 2017

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