Hello there!
I've looked around for my issue. I've found several tutorials and forum topics about highscores with AJAX and PHP. In other small games I've made that all works great. What I'm trying is not to achieve a new score but to add a score on top of a already excisting one. I'm not a coder, if someone gives me a head start that would be great to start with!
What I would like to achieve is the following:
On the inputpage I have a 'list' called names and a 'list' called numbers. What I would like to achieve is then when I press a button the amount in the list 'numbers is added to the present score in the MYSQL database of the person mentioned in the 'list' names. If the name doesn't exist it creates one.
Other thing is how to subtract and how to reset all scores to 0 in the database and how to show the scores of all persons on a page.
Many thanks in advance!