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  • any one worked out how to set these up?

    I've tried using a "use loader layout" and setting loader style to "none". But still get a blue screen.

    Anyone had success with this?


  • in the facebook dashboard, where you set up the adds, it seems to only allow one or the other.. you can only have either Interstitial or Reward in your game... I think this is was the case.

    Otherwise I thought the same - it would show the last ad loaded.

    • by the way - had any luck with loading screens? - I've tried "Use Loader Layout" but as I suspected, it happens at the end of facebook loading the game.

    I was in the API docs something about setting up your pre-load stuff.. should be done in the index.html.

    I've got a feeling Construct might not deal with it .. yet. Might be able to edit the index.html to get it working

  • yeah scaling seems to be ignored.. so I'm not scaling stuff now..

    Going ok today, got leaderboard working now, but really need to clear old scores while testing - but no option to do so in the Facebook dashboard and no way from construct.. could just keep creating new leaderboards when clearing them is needed.. its a work around for now.

    So I'm also looking into sending messages using "Execute javascript" > put that may end the universe.

  • yeah! I didn't think it was possible but I've found some one older than me!!!! (I'm 44)

    been trying to get Instant stuff working for a couple of days... can get my test game up and running, its working well - apart from scaling up correctly?!?!! (always a head flip)

    BUT - I can't get any of the scoring / leaderboard stuff going yet...

    (but I am secretly a little excited!)

  • You might be able to detect if the game is running on webGL if so it should handle the water.. so you wouldn't have to disable it for all mobile users..

    I've got my stuff working now, just can't seem to get my pixel style low rest viewport to scale up and fill facebook's window... fun!

  • Indeed.

    Although I would have expected it to have fully loaded, but just not have any of the "Facebook Instant Game" API calls available.

    Having scaling viewport fun now.

    Change one setting, export, upload, run in messenger, look for result - repeat. For hours. And. Hours.

  • Found it!

    It fails to load if you haven't added the "Facebook Instant Game" plugin to your project.

    I suppose Messenger must be requesting something at 75% load time and just sits there forever if it gets no response.

    SO - might help someone: If it fails to load in Messenger - check you've added the plugin!

  • After battling with the developer dashboard I managed to get a simple project up loaded.

    When I try and play it on messenger on my iphone 6 it always seems to fail at the same point:

    It starts loading an stops at 74%. Every time.

    Had a similar problem when trying to play Zen Pond.

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this with their own testing?

  • Well done for getting it out there!

    I'm pretty sure the water effect will be causing problems on many devices! maybe detect hardware and switch it off on low end graphics...

    It ran really well on my Mac... but failed to load several times on my iphone 6 .. then eventually ran fine, the loading time was huge.

    I'm failing miserably on a test project. Keep getting "failed to upload" messages on the Hosted Assets page when trying to upload my test to the faceBook servers..

    onwards and upwards.

    hmmm.. I got my test project to work. When I try to play it in messenger app on my iphone it keeps failing to load around the same time every time - at about 70-75% of the way through.. same as yours did.

  • ha hahha ha. Oh. That was one of the best, most concise thread I've ever come across.

    made me laugh

  • Despite the tone of the original post that seems to have destabilized the audience, this is a real legitimate problem not to take too lightly dear gentlemen!

    stuatk But, know that: if you are on Windows and now with first C3 desktop beta builds, you can (and indeed could already do it with C2), automate some things via NW.js object and other tricks to avoid you precisely this type of very repetitive tedious constraints.

    That said, you will be quickly limited when it comes to loading complete animations (a rexrainbow C2 plugin allows -in part- to remedy this).

    This method is especially true for one shot sprites, tilemaps, and any other assets up to the data. There are infinite hack possibilities.

    The other good news is that with C3, all these points are likely to improve over time!

    Thanks for the info - and agreeing with the problem.

    I can't use the desktop version - I'm on a mac. I was considering writing a plugin to help with reloading stuff.. would be handy. I think if you're going to try and use C3 professionally you have to do a bit of coding. It does loads of great stuff really well, just a few things missing.

    (my original tone was a bit off because I'd just bought the bleeding thing - again!)

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  • "When you import you can just click replace whole animation"

    thanks tunepunk - I didn't see that check box, thats improves things a little

    I agree, Construct does a lot of brilliant stuff, thats why it narks me so much when basic things are sometimes over looked....

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