lauwise's Recent Forum Activity

  • Create a clickable grid system? I tried creating a grid system by making each grid tile an individual sprite, but now I have over 1,000 sprites and it's making the game super laggy. I just need to be able to change the tiles individually to a different color on click and didn't know how to do this without making each tile a sprite.

  • Tiles are definitely exactly 100 +/- of one another. It seems random which tiles are clickable, though the ones that are clickable are adjacent like we want them to be. All we are able to tell is that it might depend on the order in which we click the initial tiles.

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  • Here's a picture, took a while to get it uploaded

    http:// imgur .com /a/xLM0x

  • I'm trying to make a grid system where you can click on an adjacent block to turn it red. I've placed sprite blocks in a grid system and put a boolean variable on each sprite that determines whether or not it's clickable depending on its adjacency to other blocks. Sometimes it does not set variable to true even though other times it should, even when multiple act on the same block it should set it to the same state.

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Member since 29 Jan, 2017

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