I would like to start saying 'I don't know much about phonegap'...Said that I am working on automate the build process for my App and I am using Phonegap Build API to do so.
I am using Gulp to manage the different tasks and the issue I am is that I AM NOT ABLE TO SET THE KEY FROM THE API BUT ONLY FOR THE WEBSITE!!
Those are my keys set on the Phonegap Build website: prntscr.com/e0mbzi
In my code after the authentication:
pgBuild.auth({ username: phonegapBuildCredential.username, password: phonegapBuildCredential.password }, authenticationResponse);
[code:8beld4wn]I have the following callback:
function authenticationResponse(e, api){
api.post(phonegapEndpoint + '/build', options, function(ee, data) {
if(data != null && !ee){
var buildStatus = data.completed;
if(buildStatus) {
and also 2 function to unlock/update the keys, here is one:
[code:8beld4wn]function unlockiOSKeyMethod(api){
var unlockiOSKeyForm = {
form: {
data: {
password: 'passwd1234'
var iOSkeyID = (buildForProduction) ? '637072' : '638123';
api.put('/keys/ios/' + iOSkeyID, unlockiOSKeyForm);
I have read somewhere that I should specify the wanted key before sending it to the build server, so I have tried to add property to the 'options' passed to the Build service but it didn't work.
For instance, something like this:
[code:8beld4wn]var options = {
form: {
data: {
platforms: ['android', 'ios'],
key: {
ios: keyid
file: './www/ppmobilev3.zip'
Also IF I change the keys from the Phonegap Build website, as soon as I run my script it builds whatever is selected on the website.
enter image description here Please let me know if you need any further information to get me some help <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /> Thanks