Alright so I applied and was granted Premium access, then I exported my game again, put it on Google Play and this time it let me set up In-App Products. I created a managed product with the same id name as the one I specified in Construct 2. Then I published the game.
In my game I set up some flags for if CocoonJS can access the store and if it purchases something properly. The first part worked fine and it seems that my game was able to connect to the online store, however upon pressing the "buy" button, my purchase failed flag is triggered.
My Events in Construct 2 basically goes like this:
Touch| On touched button: CocoonJS| Purchase product "id" with preview
CocoonJS| On "id" purchase completed: Text| Set text to "Purchase Completed"
CocoonJS| On "id" purchase failed: Text| Set text to "Purchase Failed"
Upon pressing the button, no preview or anything pops up. The text simply displays "Purchase failed"
Did I miss a step? Or does my id name have to be something more complicated?