encoder124's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thanks so much! I never used functions before, now I know just how powerful they are! THANKS MAN YOU ARE LEGEND!

  • Hi, I have a "small" problem.

    What I want to do is have an enemy with 2 attacks, 1 which is close range and a

    projectile attack. I want the enemy to be in Idle for 4 second, then use the projectile attack, the animation would repeat 3 times as he has to shoot for 3.6 sec, then he would be in idle for 1 sec, after he would walk toward the player for 5 sec then he would use the melee attack after that going back to idle to begin the loop again.

    I just can't script this. I tried with variables, with groups activating and deactivating each other, with more variables. NOTHING WORKS. Either the walk animation is stuck or he wouldn't stop shooting or he wouldn't play the melee attack etc.

    Also I would like to mention the enemy has 5 animations: Idle, Walk, Projectile attack, Melee attack and Death animation.

    Please help, I have been trying for the past few days nothing works.


  • Hello!

    (I use C2)

    I would like to say the death screen is a layout, not something added on top of the level because i have a lot of levels and I do not want to make a death screen for every level.

    So the problem is, that i do not know how to make the retry button go to the level you died at (each level is a layout), that is why i cannot use the go to layout or go to previous layout option.

    Anyway thanks for reading this thread, hope to fix this sooner then later!

  • Thank you so much, kind sir/lady, you helped me a lot!

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  • Hello! I have been working with construct for more than 1 year and let me just get it out there, it is the best tool for creating small games all by yourself rather quickly!

    I now have a problem that I can't seem to find the answer to, so the problem is that I want to make this reloading system that you would expect to find in a modern shooter. There are 2 numbers on the screen: one that says how much ammo is in your magazine and the other that indicates how much ammo you have "in your pocket" so what I have come up with is this: (a is the ammo in your magazine and b the "ammo in your pocket")

    on reload animation finished: set a to 12-a (12 is the maximum number of rounds you can have in your magazine)

    set b to b-12+a

    and the problem is that when you have less than 6 round in the magazine and less than 6 rounds in "the pocket" it sets the value of B to a negative value, example: 6-12+5 = -1

    I would love if anyone would give me a solution to this! (I USE CONSTRUCT 2 FOR NOW)

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Member since 11 Jan, 2017

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