araz01's Recent Forum Activity

  • Evil War, 2D Side-Scroller Shoot-Em-Up

    Blast your way through 100s of Enemies and Expect a 1000 Intense/Overwhelming Moments, face Deadly Bosses, you are constantly in Danger! However, your not helpless, Shoot Unstoppable Beams from your Chest And Guns, In an effort to survive the Endless Waves, use power-ups to give yourself a second chance and survive in our Latest Game Evil War.



  • Tell me what you think of my game, feedback is GREATLY appreciated!

    Also Warning: The game is challenging at first, however, with upgrades you powers evolve and once tough enemies become easy snacks... Commitment, will help you on the long run, also Boss Battles which can be encountered once you have managed to achieve 12+ Waves (requires a good amount of upgrades to withstand). So Remember, skill, upgrades and determination is your friend!

    Also the game is EXTREMELY addictive, you will find that out when you have bought the "peeeeewwwwwwwww"

  • Evil War:

    Shoot MASSIVE Beams from your Chest, Face 1000 enemies! Defeat the toughest Bosses (3 Unique Bosses) and Increase/ease your survival chances with power-ups and Upgrades in our latest Endless side-scroller shoot-em-up! Brag about your Kill count... 10,000!!!! And how many Waves you managed to Survive Or About the amount you earned in ONE Go!! (without defeat) and/or show em your biggest GUN!!! Endless fun awaits, literally, in our latest and greatest game, Evil War!

    Enjoy my latest game thank you!

    If you like what I have created here, Thank you and Expect more great games!

    Evil War (£0.79) is available for sale now on the App-Store or Google-Play Store. Or get It free and test the game with your product before purchase, found below: Evil War Trailer


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  • Hi, I am AT GameZ and I enjoy developing awesome games. Recently I figured out how to share the game with the world or its small portion lol, enjoying that

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Member since 10 Jan, 2017

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