As r0j0 said, put your ship & collider into a container so they're picked & created (& destroyed) together. That plus running collision checks every 0.5s or so are essential.
Your various directional bools look dodgy. Because each direction negates the other, you'll be favoring the one that's last in the event order (eg. if obstacles are in front of & behind the ship, thrustBackwards always ends up true). The results in the video look good though
I wonder if you even need 4 colliders per ship. Checking the rear could be eliminated since you're always travelling forwards, so maybe you could just have one big 'sensor' collider in front. On each collision check, you get the angles from each obstacle to the ship (possibly weighted by their size & distance) & work out a new heading for the ship.
Or how about a force-based system with no collision checking: you apply forces away from obstacles based on distance & obstacle radius. Slap on a speed limit (chipmunk can do this) & the physics will never spaz out.
Then you do some cosmetic things to make it look like the ai ships have the same controls as the player.
I think I'll have a go at the heading & force based pathfinding, given me an idea for something of my own...